Lefty x Shy! Abused! Suicidal! Depressed! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I slowly walk home not wanting to get there anytime soon.

It's Friday which means they'll be an empty case of beer bottles and an angry person at the door.

The weather is getting warming, so I won't be able to hide the marks for much longer.

I turn onto my street and sigh. I'll be walking through my door in a few minutes.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see a man in purple.

"Do you need something?" I ask looking at him.

"Here, it's a place where a few teens have been camping out." he says and hands me a paper, "Make some friends."

With that he walks off. I look at the paper and it has an address on it.

Go where the weird man gave me or go home....

Either way I'll probably end up almost dead.

I begin walking to where the address was and I end up at an old abandoned pizzeria.

I walk in and doesn't look like anyone's been here.

"Welp go ahead and kill me I guess." I call out.

I wasn't really expecting much I walk around a bit more.

I don't think the guy in purple is even here...

I come across a locked door and I try to open it.

Suddenly it unlock and opens.

I jump back a bit at who opened the door.

It was an animatronic! But how?! It shouldn't look this good.

It looks down at me, "Oh hello. How and why are you here?" it asks.

It seems friendly enough...

"Some weird guy in purple gave me this address and I just walked in." I say.

"Well then... Come in. I can make some food." it says and moves out of the way, "Are you hungry?"

I just nod and walk into the room.

It closes the door and locks it behind us.

"I'm Lefty, and you are?" it asks.

"I'm Y/n." I say with a slight smile.

So it does have a name or he?

"I have pizza in the oven right now. You staying the night?" he asks.

"Can I?" I ask kinda wanting to.

"Of course, stay for as long as you need to." he says.

I nod, "Is there a bathroom here with a shower?" I ask.

He nods and points down a hall, "The first door on the right." he says and walks into what I guess is the kitchen.

I walk to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I roll up my sleeves and splash some water on my face.

I look down at all the bruise and cuts from beer bottles and being hit and thrown around.

I realize that I'll have to go home at some time....

I begin going through the cabinets look for anything.

I find a bottle of pills and read what they are.

These should work...

I try to open the bottle when the door opens.

"Y/n you okay? you didn't answer me-" Lefty says walking in.

He looks at the bottle of pills and then my arms.

He grabs the pills from me and throws them in the trash and then grabs one of my arms.

I flinch a bit his cold hands kinda feel good but also hurt a bit.

"I'm sorry, did I grab too tightly? Who did this to you?" he asks looking concerned.

"My parent.... Every Friday." I say quietly.

"Today is Friday...." he says, "You can stay here as long as you want. I mean that."

"But I'll get reported as missing. And when I get found...." I say and trail off.

"No one will find you here. Most people are too scared to even walk inside." he says, "I can't believe you even walked in."

"If I was stupid enough to. I'm someone else will be too-" I say and Lefty pulls me close and hugs me.

"You're not stupid, just alone." he says, "But not anymore."

I hug him tightly and begin to cry slightly.

He wipes my tears away, "Pizza's done. Let's go eat." he says.

I nod and he picks me up and carries me to the kitchen.

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