Elizabeth Afton x Male! Reader

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Elizabeth Pov:

I struggle to walk back home, both of my arms hurting from the weight of the bags.

"Why do I have to do the shopping today." I say to myself and sigh

I'm walking and suddenly the bags rip and everything falls out.

"NO NO NO!" I shout as everything fell.

I sigh and crouch down and start picking everything up and putting them into the spare bag.

"Good thing I always bring an extra bag." I say to myself.

Someone crouches down next to me and helps pick up everything.

I look next to me and blush at what I see.

It's a guy with h/c hair and e/c eyes.

He's very attractive... I love his eyes.

After we pick everything up and stand and try to pick up the bag.

"Here let me. That seems heavy." he says and picks up the bag with ease.

Y/n Pov:

"T-Thank you. But I'll be fine." she says and reaches for the bag.

I slowly let go of the bag as she holds it and she almost drops it.

I grab it again and smile at her, "Are you sure?" I ask.

"Well maybe I could use some help." she says and smiles as well.

"My names Y/n by the way, and you?" I say as we begin to walk.

"Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz." she says.

I notice a faint blush on her face.

She is kinda cute, maybe I we hangout for a while.

A few minutes later we walk up to a nice house, "Here we are." she says and unlocks the door.

"Do you need help putting everything away?" I ask.

She nods and we walk inside.

She takes me to the kitchen and I place the bag on the counter.

We begin putting things away.

"Thank you a lot for helping me." she says with a smile.

"No problem, I could leave a pretty girl to carry all this." I say.

I blush slightly at my words. Idiot!

I notice she is blushing as well... Did she like it?

"Y-You think I'm pretty?" she asks looking down.

I smile and lift her head up to look at me, "Yes of course. You're beautiful." I say.

She blush more and I smirk a bit.

I go in for a kiss and she lets me. She even kisses back.

I pull away and look into her eyes.

Her face is bright red and I can feel mine heating up.

"Would you like to stay a while and meet my family?" she asks smiling.

I nod, "I'd love to Liz." I say and kiss her cheek.

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