High School! Toy Chica x Male! Child! Reader

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(This is a request from Hope you like it)

(Request from  


Y/n Pov:

I sit up in my bed, in my little room.

My parents died in a really bad car crash when I was very very young.

I live in this orphanage now. It's not a home, but I'm happy to at leave have a bed and food, and still go to school.

I get dressed, brush my teeth and comb my hair.

I walk down the stairs and into the classroom for the first class of the day.

I feel something hit the back of my head and look behind me.

I see Mark and Jake (sorry if that's your name, you can change it) laughing.

I feel the back of my head. There was something in my hair and I pulled it out.

I was a spit ball. I look at Mark and Jake and frown.

They have always picked on my and none of the adults ever cared.

No one has ever cared for me. I start to tear up as I feel another spit ball hit the back of my head.

I can't help but start balling my eyes out, which makes the teacher stop her lesson.

"Y/n you better have a good reason this time for disrupting the class." she says.

"I... I... He was! He was!" I can't get my words out and just keep bawling.

"Outside the classroom now!" the teacher says pointing to the door.

I stand up and walk out of the classroom and sit on the floor against the wall still crying.

You'd this they would love all the children here. But no, they don't.

I here the door open and close, I look up thinking it as the teacher who was going to lecture me again.

But it wasn't the teacher it was Mark and Jake.

"L-leave me alone." I say standing up.

"No, we asked the teacher if er could "calm" you done." Mark says with a smirk.

Jake walks behind me and grabs me by both of my arms.

"Hey! Stop!" I yell and try to get free from Jake's grip.

Mark grabs my legs and they start to carry me to the lockers.

Mark let's go of me and opens up a locker.

"This should calm you down and teach you to be less of a cry baby." he says helping Jake shove me into the locker.

They close the locker and make sure it's locked before walking back to class.

I just stand in the locker and cry. 'Why does everyone hate me so much?' I think to myself, 'All I want is a home, with a family that loves and cares for me.'

I hear the locker being opened. I take a deep breath, it must be the teacher or Mark to let me free.

But when the locker opens I don't see Mark, the teacher, or any of the other kids.

It was a girl with yellow skin and hair.

She looks at me and her eyes go wide, "SO SO CUTE!" she says.

I try to move myself as far back in the locker as I can. I was scared of her and I didn't know where I was.

The girl notices this and says in a soft sweet voice, "It's okay sweetie, I won't hurt you."

I shake my head still hiding in the locker.

"My names Toy Chica, I won't hurt ya." she says in a softer voice, "What's your name?"

I look at her for a moment before relaxing, "My names Y/n." I say.

Toy Chica picks me up and I wrap my arms around her.

"Let's get you to my house and get you something to eat, sound good?" she says.

I nod and lay my head on her shoulder.

~Time skip~

Toy Chica lays me on her bed and gives me some fruit snacks.

She sits on the bed, "How did you end up in my locker Y/n?" she asks.

I look down and frown, "I'm not sure, Some of the older kids that bully me put me in a locker and somehow I ended up here." I say slowly eating the fruit snacks.

"What's your parents number? Maybe I can call them." Toy Chica says.

I begin to tear up, "I... I don't have parents. I go to a school in the orphanage." I say beginning to cry as I explain to her what has happened to me in the past.

She hugs me and holds me as I cry holding onto her.

For some reason I felt safe with Toy Chica, I felt loved.

We soon fell asleep, me still in her arms.

~Time Skip (A Week Later)~

I feel a kiss on my forehead and rub my eyes open.

I see Toy Chica smiling at me, "Morning sleepy." she says picking me up.

She carries me down to the kitchen and sits me down at the table in front of a plate of pancakes.

I dig into the pancakes as I hear Toy Chica giggle.

I finish my pancakes and smile, "Thank you Toy Chica." I say.

She kisses the top of my head and cleans my plate.

I help her clean the kitchen before sitting on the couch in her arms cuddling.

"Toy Chica?" I say.

"Yes Y/n?" she says smiling at me.

"Can I stay with you?" I ask.

"Of course! I can be like your big sister!" she says kissing my cheek and hugging me.

I smile and hug her back tightly. I had a family! I was loved!

(Hope this was good! I have trouble with endings a lot)

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