Female! Puppet x Male! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I walk down into the basement looking for the strange music I keep hearing at night.

I had moved back into my childhood home and the music sounds so familiar.

I follow the sound of the music and look inside a box.

It was a girl! She looks a little like my old puppet who used to sing me songs.

She looks up at me stops singing.

She stares for a few minutes before smiling and jumping out, "Y/N! YOU CAME BACK FOR ME!" she yells and hugs me tightly.

How doe she know my name?

"Who are you?" I ask looking at her.

She frowns a bit, "Did you forget? I'm your old Puppet! Marion!" she says.

I think and it comes to back to me! "Marion?! I haven't seen you since I was 12." I say and hug her back.

Marion would always sing me to sleep in the basement when my parents would fight. She also would play with me since I couldn't have friends over. She helped me a lot when I was a kid.

"You do remember! I knew you would come back for me!" she says with a huge smile.

I smile and pick her up, "Let's make some snacks and you can come sleep with me this time." I say and carry her upstairs and to the kitchen.

She nods and holds into me. He touch feels so nice again.

Puppet Pov:

Y/n sets me down on a chair and gets to making some ready-to-go cookies and putting them in the oven.

I'm so happy he's back, I have my friend back now.

When the cookies and finished he takes them out of the oven and pours two glasses of milk.

He hands one to me and sets a plate of cookies on the table.

"Thank you Y/n!" I say and grab a cookie.

It still to hot and I burn my fingers,  "Ow!" I yell and hold my hand.

"Careful Marion! It's still hot." Y/n says and grabs my hand looking at it.

He takes me over to the sink and runs it under cold water.

He then picks me up and heads upstairs, "I got the perfect thing for this." he says.

Y/n Pov:

I place Marion on the bed and lay next to her.

I wrap my arms around her and cuddle her, "Hope this helps." I say.

She nods and closes her eyes.

I start humming her song and we both slowly fall asleep to it.

(Ello my lovely peeps! Sorry for not doing chapters as much. I've switched computers and I'm still figuring stuff out.)

(Love ya all <3 have a lovely week)

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