Vanny x Reader x Glitchtrap

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Y/n Pov:

I was hanging out with my friend Vanny around the FNAF:VR Help Wanted game. (I really don't know since there's not a lot known about Vanny or glitchtrap [that I know of])

"So... Y/n how long do you plan on staying this time?" Vanny asks.

"I'm not sure. Maybe another day or two." I say.

"Perfect." she says.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"I want you to meet someone tomorrow." she says.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"It's a surprise!" she says and leaves.

I wonder who she wants me to meet.

I walk back to where I'm staying and lay in my bed thinking of who it could be.

~Time skip to the next day~

I stand waiting at the place Vanny told me we were meeting up.

I was so nervous yet excited to meet her I guess her friend or something.

I finally see Vanny and someone behind her.

I- .... It's someone in a bunny costume.

This is who she wanted me to meet-

"Y/n! Meet Glitchtrap." Vanny says.

"Uhh... Hi." I say kinda nervous.

Glitchtrap just waves.

Wow.... this guy is hella sketchy. But Vanny isn't perfect either and neither am I.

"Vanny does he talk?" I ask.

"Yeah, just not a lot." she says.

"Okay." I say and we begin to walk to who knows where.

Vanny had a whole day planned out for us.

We make it to a cornfield and there was a blanket for us to sit on.

We sit and talk. Well it was mainly me and Vanny talking.

But Glitchtrap said a few things. His voice was kinda nice.

"So what should we do?" I ask.

"I brought a bottle! We could play spin the bottle." she says.

(I've ran out of ideas.)

"Sure. Sounds fun." I say, "And you Glitchtrap?"

I look at him, "Why not." he says, "I wouldn't mind a few kisses."

Me and Vanny both blushes a little.

I really didn't expect him to say that.

I guess Vanny didn't either.

We all sit around the bottle.

"I'll go first." Vanny says and spins on the bottle.

I watch the bottle spin and it slowly stopped on me.

I blush and look at Vanny.

I see her blush a bit and she moves her mask up slightly and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

She puts her mask back and we both blush intensely.

I spin the bottle and hope it land on Vanny again.

I would love to feel her soft lips again.

It lands on Glitchtrap.

I look at him trying to figure out how I'm going to kiss him.

He motions his finger for me to come closer.

I move closer to him and he lifts his back up only enough for me to see his lips.

I give them a quick kiss and blush as I go back to where I was sitting.

Glitchtrap spins the bottle and it lands on Vanny.

I see her blushing again and they both move up their masks and kiss.

It wasn't a quick one.

Theirs lasted a bit longer....

Are they a couple?! Then why are playing spin the bottle.

They stop kissing and put their masks back.

Vanny looks at me, "You okay Y/n?" she asks.

"Umm... Are you two like a thing?" I ask.

"Oh! No no no. Sorry, I just didn't know how you would feel about kissing me." she says.

"Oh. Well I didn't mind.... So next time maybe it can last longer." I say.

Vanny smiles and spins the bottle.

We play spin the bottle for an hour.

Vanny puts the bottle away.

We're all blushing like crazy still.

"This was fun." I say.

"Yeah it was." Vanny said.

"How about we do it next week? But spice it up a bit." Glitchtrap says.

Me and Vanny blush.

"Sure." we both say at the same time.

For a quiet man, he sure says some surprising things.

I wonder what goes through his head.

We set a date and time for next week and all say goodbye.

(Am I becoming rusty? I feel like this isn't as good as it could be. Also so sorry for the slow updates. I've had a lot going on and kinda forgot about this. Also trying to figure what' going on for school.)

(I will try to update at least twice a week maybe more or less.)

(Love you guys! <3)

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