Mike Schmidt x Reader

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(I love the picture! Mikes taller than me T^T)

Mikes Pov:

I was chillin in the office waiting for the new night guard to arrive.

The night shift now became a partner thing and I felt sorry for whoever was going to be my partner.

They probably don't know that we have to survive from killer animatronics together in this small office.

I see Y/n walk into the office with a smile. Only if they knew.

"You must me Y/n? I'm Mike, Mike Schmidt." I say extending my hand.

They shake my hand, "Nice to meet you Mike." they say and stand behind me.

"So.....Well be here till 6am. Just do what I say and everything will be good." I say with a small smile as the clock says 12am.

"Seems easy enough." They say.

I begin going through the cameras keeping a close eye on foxy and the stage.

Y/n points to the screen, "Where's Bonnie?" they ask confused.

I sigh and begin looking though all the cameras, "This is the part of the job they don't tell you about." I say as I see Bonnie in the supply closest.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asks with a hint of fear in their voice.

"You have to try not to get kill by animatronics till 6am with limited power." I say as I wait for Bonnie to move.

"Close the left door!" I say as Bonnie left the supply closest.

Y/n quickly hits the door button and closes the door.

I turn on the light to double check and I see Bonnie standing in front of the door through the window.

I look at Y/n to see them breathing heavily and holding their chest.

I check pirates cove and the stage one more time to make sure it's safe before walking over to Y/n and hugging them.

They hug back. I can feel their heart pounding.

I play with their h/l h/c hair to try and calm them down. It worked, they took a deep breath and looked up at me with a smile.

I blushed a little before sitting back down in the only chair and going through the cameras.

Bonnie was still at the door and Chica had now moved so I was looking for her.

Y/n named turned on the light to the right door and saw Chica. Y/n quickly shut the door and checked the left door. Bonnie was still their!

We were down to 50% at 4am.

I see Y/n begin to get scared again. They were shaking in the corner.

Y/n Pov:

I was terrified! What if we run out of power?! We could die!

I see Mike walk up ti me and pick me up?!

I tensed a bit as Mike carried me over the the one chair and sit down in it with me on his lap.

I blush as Mike makes me lay against his chest and play with my hair again.

It makes me relax a bit. I wish Mike would do this all the time.

What?! What am I saying?! Mike probably already has a lover.

"Y/n it's okay. I've been doing this for a while. You'll be fine." he says as I begin to calm down.

He was right. I would be fine. I mean he's still alive after all.

I yawn as Mike checks the doors and opens them. Chica and Bonnie went back to the stage and Foxy was still in pirates cove.

"Sleep Y/n I'll wake you up when it's 6am." he says.

I nod while yawning. I was quite tired from panicking.

I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep in his arms feeling safe.

Mike Pov:

It has been about 30 minutes since Y/n has fallen asleep on me.

Y/n was cute when he/she slept. I blush at the thought of that.

What was I thinking! Y/n was my partner not my lover!

I wouldn't mind Y/n being my lover though.

E/c eyes, perfect h/l h/c hair, and their smile, it could make me melt any day.

The animatronics haven't moved since Y/n fell asleep. Did they knew she/he was asleep?

I didn't care though, I was just happy that I wouldn't wake Y/n with the doors.

Hopefully she doesn't quit because of this. I enjoy the company with Y/n and then I would never get to see them again.

The clock dings and say 6am. It was time to wake up Y/n.

I place a soft kiss on their forehead to wake them up.

Y/n Pov:

I feel something soft being placed on my forehead and slowly open my eyes to see Mike smiling.

I blush noticing that I was still in his arms, "Sorry! I should of slept on the floor." I say my cheeks heating up more.

I see Mike blush a bit, "It was fine. I liked the warmth and you were already comfortable." he says.

I look over at the clock and it says 6am.

" I guess we should leave." I say getting off of Mikes lap and standing up.

I felt cold. I missed Mikes warmth now.

"Wait Y/n.... Will you be back tomorrow night?" he asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, Why?" I ask looking at Mike.

"I didn't want you to quit and I having to work alone again." he says blushing a bit.

"I enjoy working with you Mike." I say with a smile which makes Mike blush more.

I walk out of the office but Mike grabs me and holds me close.

His warmth making me happy again as I blush.

"Will you be my lover?" he asks me.

I feel my cheeks heat up more. I didn't think he would ever ask me that.

"Yes." I say softly just loud enough for him to hear.

His lips crash against mine and I kiss back.

I ended up going home with Mike today.

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