Credits and thanks

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Hey, so we did it! We went through Aeron's first adventure in our wonderful trilogy! I absolutely couldn't have done this without MANY people so here is some credits.

First, I'd have to give credit to Ben. It was basically how this story was inspired. He started writing his own book where I was one of the characters along with many other people. His book has the same theme as mine which is the elementals, but both of our stories have different flares and plots which makes it unique and our own. Also his character was Cade. So sometimes it was fun making him look like a fool XD

Next is Mackenzie. She needs a lot of credit as well, she was the one who made the lovely book cover which I have no idea how to do that. She was one of the main people who helped me with the plot and working out some kinks and things in the story, which I totally needed. She was also there when I needed some motivation to keep the story going. Her character was Ellie. So she was pretty much actual Mackenzie except a little different.

Next for credit is Mia. Mia was another of the ones who helped me in the beginning. She had a commitment unlike anybody else where she helped me with enemy ideas, she drew all the characters on the team and she even drew combat suits. She is also the one who helped me out a bit with Jane's death. She sorta was two characters. At first I made her as Jane, but she wanted a different character. So I let her become a new character and together we killed off Jane! Mia's character is Misa. (Her name was so close so it's quite obvious)

Next on my list is Ally. She was the one who gave me interesting ideas at the beginning as well and helped me put together the plot where they'd have to save Scott. Basically I'm not sure where the plot would go if it wasn't for Ally. And because it's a little obvious, Ally's character is Ali.

Next is Bethany. Bethany was the one who helped me make some moments where people would just be like "I ship it!" She helped come up with some of the characters looks and personalities as well as willing to be one of the villains. Her character was Mina. And I was at first gonna make her fall in love with Scott but I changed that just for her.

Next I'm giving credit to Aiden. Me and Aiden both go to the same sea cadet corps so on Wednesdays we'd talk about the book. He gave me some advice and stuff I should do that I used in this book and will use in the future books. And some of his reactions to my ideas were awesome! His character was Jack. (I never knew how accurate Jack was to Aiden though)

Now is Joseph. Joseph gave me ideas for different chapters and the ending. With the ideas I made them a little more...twisted and sick. He deffinetly helped me out with this one. His character is the man in the suit so the main villain. You thought I was gonna share his name didn't you!

Next to thank is Mia (not the same Mia as before) and Gard (aka Alex but I call him Gard) they both gave me a lot of motivation through this, which I really needed a lot of the time. They never failed to say I was doing a good job or that they were excited for the next chapter. I really needed that motivation and with that we are here with the end. Although neither of them were characters in the book, I told them they can be characters in the next. So they might wanna make characters soon since I'm starting soon.

The next people I have to thank are Grace and Paige. Both of them were characters in my book, which I deffinetly thank them for being. Also Paige did help me a bit with a few details so they deserve credit. Grace was Lily and Paige was Leo.

The final person I have to thank is Sam. He's the guy who I constantly try to kill (somewhat) and his character is Scott. So basically he is a very important character because he was a big part of the plot. I was glad he let me make him that character so I could have this wonderful story.

Wait-there's still someone I have to thank! You. Thank you so much for reading my book, it means the world to me. There was times I wanted to give up and just delete it, but with all of you reading an giving me good comments we got all the way here. I decided to make 2 more books with this one as well! I really couldn't have done without any of you. So thank you so much, I hope you have a good day, if it's your birthday happy birthday and I will see you in Aeron's next journey!

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