Chapter 12

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"Well now that we know where we're going how do we get there?" Leo asked shoving his hands into his pockets. Cade came up with an idea as fast as someone snapping there fingers. "I know someone who could help us." He said, then started to run for the parking lot. "Oh god. He's gonna drive us somewhere. Prepare to die." Jane said watching as he got up to a red van. He smashed the window with his elbow and unlocked the door.

"Isn't that someone's vehicle?" I asked in a little concern. Ellie closed the old book and turned to me. "Does it matter? The owner is probably dead anyways." She said. Crazy people. Like I said, I'm friends with crazy people. "Why can't you have normal friends?" Jason asked whispering to me. "I don't know. I'm lucky to at least have friends." I answered.

Cade waved over to us to get in the van. I got shotgun thankfully, I hate having to sit in the backs of vehicles. The kind of van that it was had the two front seats, three seats in the back and then just an open space with back doors, so a lot of people had to sit back there. "How did you even get the van to start?" I asked him as he adjusted the rear view mirror.

"I hot wired it." He said casually. "How the hell do you know how to do that?" Jason asked as he stood leaning over my seat. "Ali. She's also who were going to see." He said. "Sit down, this is not going to be a nice ride, the cops are gonna be here soon as well, they'll have suspicion with us." He said slamming on the gas pedal.

He drove like someone who was drinking, how did he even get a licence? Does he even have a licence? Then of course Jack and Leo were fighting in the back. I held my head in a headache. "Jack! Leo! Quit it!" Cade shouting turning around to face them. "Cade the road!" I shouted. He quickly looked back and stopped is from getting into a crash, again.

"He keeps on trying to electrocute me! I'll turn him into an icicle if I have to!" He said forming what looked like a snowball in his hand. "Just stop!" I shouted at them. Jack quickly made it disappear and Leo stuck his tongue out at him. Seriously? There almost eighteen and completely immature.

"Can't you guys act your own age?" Ellie asked them, of course her face in a book. Is her punishments getting books taken away? Leo grabbed her book and waved in front of her face. "Nope." He replied. Ellie's face turned red from anger. Luke put an arm around her. "Just calm down, just enjoy the ride." He said. She pushed Luke and lunged for her book.

So we have annoying twins, a guy with anger issues, a girl who looks like she shouldn't be in high school, a bookworm, a joker, a guy who doesn't like fighting at all, a guy who can't make up his mind about his friends and is terrible at driving and a girl who is socially awkward. Yep, were gonna get killed in a war.

We took a harsh stop, thank god for seat belts. "I'm surprised we didn't die..." I said under my breath. We were at what seemed like an old house, a bungalow, but there was these old doors that looked like it lead to a basement. What is it that we need here?

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