Chapter 15

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Ali flapped her wings and created a fireball in between them, then she flapped her wings again and it shot at us as we were pushed against the wall with a gust of wind. Luckily it didn't hit us, but unfortunately I was melting like ice in a heat wave. I'm surprised that even fire elementals can get used to this heat, I mean I'm pretty much slowly dying.

Cade charged at Ali, he jumped and did a flip slashing at her right wing with his sword. With light I created a shield and charged at her. As she shot fire at me I blocked each shot with my shield, then stabbed her. She quickly retaliated by using we left wing to blast me across the room like her wing was a baseball bat.

I crashed into the wall, that's gonna leave a mark. Especially on the wall. I fell to the ground in pain. That hurt like hell, a mixture of being slammed in a wall and heat like a volcano makes death or at least I think. When I got up Ali was about to slash me in half with her claws.

I blocked it with my shield and slashed her throat. Then Cade jumped up to her and stabbed her in the back of the head. She screeched in pain and turned back into human form. When she did so Cade fell out of the air next me. He quickly got up and stood over her aiming the sword at her. "Now will you help us?" He asked still pointing it at her. "You son of a bitch." She said quietly still laying on the ground.

"Can I stab her again?" Cade asked me. I took a moment to think. "I think she's had enough." I said looking down to her. I think her right arm was bent out of shape. "What is it that you want?!" She said then making a sound in pain. Her hair flowed like fire in anger. "Weapons and armour." He said making his sword disappear in flames. He knew that the battle was over. But I still clutched the handle of my lance and my shield.

"That's all you needed?! You could've just told me and I wouldn't have to try and kill you!" She said getting herself up and looking at Cade in anger. "I tried. You wouldn't listen." He said holding his arms up in defence. She picked up a hammer and walked over to a table, there was a bucket of water next to it, behind her a rock pit filled with lava. I sighed and made my lance and shield disappear in light.

"What do you want forged?" She asked twisting her hammer around in her fingers. Finally back on track to saving Scott, Thank god.

The light and the fireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora