Chapter 13

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We exited the car. I was forced to go with Cade and everyone else was too scared to go. The only question is, why? "Why do I have to come?" I whined. I didn't want to, this place was quite creepy. "Because I'm not going alone, Ali might try to eat me." He said opening the basement doors, it looked like the entrance to a cellar with the old wooden doors with rusted handles. It looked like an entrance to a cave like hall.

Why would this Ali person eat him? And how? God I have so many questions. I feel clueless! He gestured for me to go inside. "Ladies first!" He said. I hit my head with my hand, shaking my head and walked inside. The cave like hall was lit with torches, I'm gonna take a guess and say this person likes fire. I started to sweat a bit, droplets started to form on my forehead.

"Why is it so hot?" I asked wiping my forehead with my arm, if it gets worse I'm gonna melt like a wax doll. "What are you talking about? It's nice." He said. I protested. "Not all of us are fire proof you know." He laughed a bit as we came to the end of the hall, an opening was there that lead to a room. It looked like a blacksmith.

That's why it's so hot, the lava and fire. There was also this tall mirror on a stand that looked like it would suck you through it. Nobody was here though. "I guess she ain't home right now." He said. Cade started to pace around the room, I looked at the weapons that were plastered on the wall. As I was amazed I heard jumping around. When i turned around Cade was jumping around at the mirror. I sighed, he's such an idiot.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He was acting like a child. "This mirror, apparently you can get trapped inside and the reflection comes out. The personality is suppose to be opposite of your own." He said still doing some weird things to see if his reflection would do so. "Your so childish." I said taking my gaze back to the weapons.

There were swords identical to Cade's, Lances, bows, scythes, pretty much name a weapon, it's probably here. "I am not childish!" He said, he turned to me. When I looked his reflection wasn't doing so, he wasn't joking.

"Uh...Cade?" I said gesturing for him to turn around. "What?" Before he could turn around he was pulled into the mirror. "Cade!" I ran to the mirror and for a while saw nothing, then a hand reached out of the mirror. I stumbled back as it reached for me and fell on my ass. Ow. Nice job Aeron. The hand of either Cade or maybe his reflection grabbed the collar of my sweater and started to drag me a bit, then stepped out. I didn't know if it was Cade or his reflection.

"Sorry." He said quietly holding a hand out to help me up. I took it and used my other hand to get up as well. Although, something didn't seem right. I looked at the mirror and saw someone hitting it with there fists from the other side shouting, but you could here no sound. Cade...I looked back at what I thought was him, he grinned deviously...then grabbed my neck and started to choke me.

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