Chapter 7

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The scythe came down again. I jumped out of the way and shot the reaper in the leg causing her to stumble. I don't even like calling Taylor a reaper, it just shows how much better she is than me. She constantly swung it at me, I kept dodging it slowly losing my energy, stumbling back. The next time Taylor swung it at me I used light to swing it back at her, she stopped it herself, I was able to catch my breath.

I started to create orbs of light, she blocked most of them with her scythe. Occasionally one would hit her. Then I got an idea. When she was weak I created a lance from the light. Pure silver and brightest shine. This would be more affective, more fun too. Video game knowledge better not fail me now!

I held the lance in stance, then slashed. Direct hit, Taylor was draining of crimson red blood. She looked angry with me, telling me to die with her eyes. It was like she could see my soul. It gave me chills...Then she came at me swinging the scythe at me. I blocked it with my lance holding it in place, then she hooked it with the scythe and lifted me off my feet. Stupid shortness!

She swung the scythe launching me away, I collided with a tree and pain shot through my back. I clenched my teeth trying not to show weakness as I fell to the ground. That hurt like hell. She laughed, I didn't notice where she was. I reached for my lance, it was too far so I started to pull my self to it. As i reached for my lance Taylor kicked it away from me. No. "I'll make this quick...and painful." She said as she swung it at me.

I held my hands out to block it but...I didn't. Someone else did. I saw a fire sword above me, that swung the scythe away from me. Then stabbed her. She screamed as she slowly started to burn, then turned to ashes, with a little puddle of her crimson blood. Damn.

I sat up aching, Cade stood above me as his sword disappeared to flames. Him again? Ugh. "I didn't need help." I said looking up at him rubbing my back. I could've done that myself, I would've. He didn't need to interfere. "Obviously you did." He said holding his hand out to help me up. "I can get up myself." I said putting one hand on the tree I crashed into an stood up. "Your pissed at me aren't you?"

He asked as I made the lance I had disappear in a bright light. He had to ask? "Yea. You closed my hair in my locker, almost burned my face and you and your friends are insane!" I said before stretching my arms. "Hey the first two were accidents! And I'm not insane!" He protested. I didn't believe him. "You're like following me around. That's creepy! You didn't even break up a fight between two people! And somehow you expect were friends!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me a little lifeless. "Sorry if it's wrong to try and help you." He said holding his arms up in innocence. "I don't need help. I don't need friends either. I already lost one." I said, as I turned to leave he literally spun me around to face him. He gripped my arm tightly, not letting me leave.

"Listen!" Woah...he can yell? "You need help, we all do. You can't just go around alone either. Your not gonna lose anyone either. Not again you won't." He said making me feel short again. I get what he was saying, it made sense. Was he right? But seriously I don't want to be short. Why am I only worrying about my height right now? "Why?" I asked. He was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused. He really didn't understand? God why is everything so hard to explain to him? "Why is this so important to you?" I asked him. He looked confident at the moment. "Because I need to help people. It's my vow, I want to help you." He said proudly. I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit.

"If I let you help me cause apparently I need help, after will you just leave me alone?" I asked him. I just wanted to be alone honestly. Like seriously. "Yea. Deal!" He said happily holding his hand out for me to shake. I had to didn't I? I sighed then shook his hand, then he started dragging me to the school. "Cade! I have to leave!" God dammit...

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