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I swung my lance to her neck but she dodged it. Why is she so good at dodging!? This was like a battle that was never going to end because no one was going to get hit. I could tell that Mina was annoyed with this, you could see the anger building up just by looking in her eyes.

"Ugh! This must be boring for the master!" Somehow she was fast enough to hit me with the blunt side of her scythe which sent me flying across the room. "Things need to be more interesting." She went over to Cade, she took a swing at him but he blocked it with his sword.

She somehow appeared behind him and attacked, she cut him right down his back and he instantly fell. "Cade!" God I feel like I'm gonna puke. "There not gonna need him anyways." She raised her scythe than swung it down at Scott.

Landing in his neck, I knew right there that we failed. Then she put one of her boots in his face as if for balanced then ripped out the scythe, cutting him completely. "Oh my god..." What kind of horror am I seeing? We were suppose to save Scott! No...dammit no!

Everyone is dying! "Now Mina, I advised you not to kill that child." He said, he sounded a little harsh in his tone but he looked calm. "But sir-" "no. Come here and except your punishment." He said still looking calm.

What's punishment? She slowly walked to him, her head dropping. Is punishment death!? When she got to him she dropped to her knees in front of him. "what are you doing to her!?" I yelled, something out of no where didn't seem right.

"Well you see sunbeam, she has been under control of me. But when my soldiers disobey...they get this as punishment." He put his hands on both sides of her head. What is he doing!? Then he squeezed his hands together, causing to head to break into a bloody mess.

W-who would do that to someone!? He just simply flicked off the blood from her death and kicked her body away from him. So...she was just someone being controlled.

He stood up, then slowly walked towards Cade. "You know, I'm not really a fan of fire elementals, but I do envy you. Not being able to burn by a single flame." He said as Cade got himself up.

"But, I know what can effect you wild fires. You can all, easily drown." With a flick of his wrists darkness started to swirl around Cade. No! I got myself up and tried to get to him on time to pull him out, but as soon a so reached my hand to him, the darkness and Cade had disappeared.

"W-what did you do!? What have you done to Cade!?" I yelled in a little distress. What if he's dead!? "As for you sunbeam, you light elementals just get on my nerves. What I have for you, is a little more suitable." Once again he flicked his wrists darkness started to circle around me, I tried to get it away with light but it was too powerful, it became pitch black around me.

I couldn't breathe and it became hard to breathe. "I hope you don't burn out before you get there." He laughed out. I can't really feel anything, I can tell everything's spinning just by the feeling. I-I can't breathe! We were so did we just let it all slip out if our hands?

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