Chapter 33

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I wonder how long it's been, I can here the team calling out my name, but I can't move and tears are still rushing down my face. The horror of watching my cousin being killed is stuck in my mind like glue. But I literally can't move, I'm like paralyzed in the moment.

I can hear footsteps coming towards me and the voices are getting louder. They'll find me soon. But, what am I gonna do now? If I wasn't on this team this wouldn't have all happened! I'm just gonna help them save Scott then go home and live my...somewhat normal life. But Jason's dead...he was my only friend before all this and family. It kills.

I guess I now know how Jack felt when his sister died. Then I saw Cade walk over. Of course, out of all people it's him. But he looked to shocked to even notice me. "Oh my god..." I could hear him say, looking at the bloody death that was my very own cousin. "Then where's-" when he turned around he finally noticed me and rushed over.

"Aeron are you alright!?" He asked. "You see that-" I pointed over to what was left of Jason. "If you didn't drag me here, he wouldn't have come. If he didn't come he wouldn't be dead! This is your fault!" I yelled at him, luckily I was almost out of tears to cry.

"My fault? We don't have time for this, we have to go." He said changing topic. "I'm not getting up." I don't even think I have the strength to stand up anyways. "Well then I'll make you get up." As soon as he finished he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.

What the fuck Cade!? I started to hit his back with my fists and tried to kick him. "Cade! Let me go! Let me go!" I screamed. He's pissing me off even more. "You know, you're not as heavy as I thought." He did not just say that to me.

You do not put a girl and some sort of form of weight in the same sentence. "You're an asshole!" I said still trying to get him to drop me. "I've been called worse." "Some point I am going to kill you!" I threatened. I can walk on my own dammit!

A little while after the team made it together, and finally I was allowed to walk. God dammit Cade. "Where do you think Scott is?" Leo asked for once on the topic at hand, and the first one too. He deserves a round of applause for that. "I don't know, maybe we should try the evil looking castle-like building there?" I said in a voice to point out the obvious.

It was in the distance, wouldn't take too long to get there. Might take a while though. Okay, so imagine a castle that's black and dark purple, looks old and haunted and has no windows. Then you have the castle over there. I have a feeling that's where he is, even though it's quite obvious he is. "Well, we should go and when we get there divize a plan." Leo said. When did all this happen to him!?

"Leo, did the fall knock some sense into you?" Ellie asked patting him on the back. "Probably." He said although making a really dumb face. Our team everybody! Our team.

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