Chapter 20

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She started to laugh. "What's the matter, scared?" I wanted to scream "of course I am!" But I wasn't going to. That wouldn't be the best idea to me. "Well not all of us are the speed of sound." I decided to say. She used her arm to hold my head and still pressed the blade of her katana to my neck. "Your right, I could just cut your head off and be done with it." How am I suppose to fight back? If I try anything my head could be taken off my body.

So I shut my eyes tightly. She winced in pain and let me go, I dropped to knees and crawled out of the way. "Bitch!" She shouted when I saw that Luke stabbed her in the back. She easily pulled it out. Luke came up next to me and pointed to his right cheek. "Do I get a reward?" He asked. God he just doesn't quit. So I kissed my hand and slapped him in the face.

I picked up my lance and shield. I'm good at agility as well. Her hand started to glow green as she faced Luke. I was confused until a Venus fly trap grew out of the ground and tried eat him. He had to hold the massive plant like jaws open. Then she looked at me. I swung around my lance in between my fingers and waited for her attack. When she did so I blocked it with my shield.

Before she attacks she always takes a step, remember that Aeron. I used my shield to get her to stumble then swung my lance. She easily dodged it. She's got speed and mind advantages on me. What I didn't notice is that Jack summoned the ice lion that Jane summoned before when we had to kill the drones. It shot an ice breath at the girl when she was distracted by me and it froze her feet to the ground. She lost her speed advantage. Then the lion pounced, it took her down when I went to attack her. I kicked the lion off her.

She stared at me confused when I held my hand out for her to take it. "Were not here to cause trouble, I swear." I said as she was still staring at me confused. She sighed then took my hand. "What's your name?" I asked. "Misa." She said making her double katanas disappear. "Did you kill my sister?!" Jack asked angrily. I gestured for him to calm down.

"The forest does has a mind of it's own, it wasn't-"
"get me out of this thing!" Luke interrupted her. He still slowly being crusher by that venus fly trap. With my lance I cut it's head off and when it fell it shut on him. Good thing it's dead...he would've been a gonner.

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