Chapter 29

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We met up with everyone else in the team at what kinda looks like a shrine. There is dark colour pillars surrounding two smaller pillars, each one had a bowl. Then there was a circle that looked like it was created with chalk. In one of the bowls there was what seemed to be blood. That's nice. I never knew this was dark. Well we also had to get a sacrifice. Cade through the charm into the other bowl and turned to Ellie. "What else?" He asked. "You were able to get a sacrifice?" She asked him opening up her book. "It's a long story." "I see. Okay, demon blood, sacrifice and one last thing." She said. "What is it?" Cade asked he walked over and looked at her book. "Oh..." He said, instantly going pale. What? "We need the dead body if a loved one. And it's specific with saying it can't be the body of the one sacrificed." Ellie said. What?! We need the body of a loved one?! Okay think...what could we do...c'mon think! "Well who wants to go digging for their dead dog?" Leo said in a joking tone. Ellie elbowed him. "You have a sick humour." She said. I looked around at everyone. C'mon Aeron think! As soon as I looked at Jack...the idea popped into my head. "Misa!" I called her over. Someone poked my shoulder, when I turned around it was her. "Oh geez! Do you remember the way to the forest?" I asked her. "Hmm...yup!" She said sounding a little happy. Jack came up to us. "What are you-no." He instantly went as pale as a ghost. "Jack we have to. It's the only way." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked terrified. "No. Isn't there something else? Please let there be something else!" He argued. I felt bad for him, but we need this. "Jack it's the only way. We need to get Jane's body. Me and Misa will go everything's gonna be fine." I said trying to make things better. "I'll go too." Lily out of no where volunteered. "Okay the three of us." I added. He sighed, he looked really sad. "Fine." He agreed. Well, looks like were now off to get Jane's body! Wow that can interoperated really really wrong.

((Once again sorry for such a short chapter))

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