Chapter 6

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Cade scratched the back of his head embarrassed. "I don't pick sides." He said. How would breaking a fight be picking sides? Why is Cade so confusing all the time?! "But it's not picking sides!" I yelled, I'm so glad no one but us is here right now. "But it is. If I threw one off the other it would be Saving the other one, which is picking sides." He explained staring at Leo, it kinda reminded me of when my dad was drunk except it was Leo, my dad's not aloud to really drink that much anymore anyways.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. These people were insane. I'd rather have no friends then have friends were gonna end up killing each other, end up killing me. Cade grabbed my shoulder as I went to leave. "Where are you going?" He asked. I pushed off his hand. "I have to go." I answered walking off. "Aeron!" He said following me outside.

"No. I can't." I said as I walked through the halls. "But I still need to talk to you!" He ran in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. I pushed him away. He was still persistent. " it. I don't wanna talk." I walked past him. "Aeron! Please!" He shouted and ran in front of me again, he grabbed my arm and I almost fell over. I gave him a death stare, I was done with these people. "Let. Go." I said pulling my arm from his grip.

"Why are you so mad?" He asked after he let go. "Why am I mad? Your mad! All of your friends are too! Just leave me alone!" I snapped, I've never gotten angry. Nothing has given me anger until now, I'm normally a calm mellow person. "I'm sorry..." He said looking down, his voice went quiet. I didn't even know what to do, I just ran. I couldn't take it anymore. I got out of the school and never wanted to talk to these people. Still trying to convince my mom to let me switch schools.

I sat on the stairs outside pushed my hair back when I put on my glasses. "So your a geek after school too!" I looked up to see Taylor, more people. "I'm not in the mood right now! Go bug someone else!" I yelled at her. She laughed. "Someone's snappy. It'll be even more fun to shut you up now." She said laughing. She was gonna punch me, I didn't care I'd take the hit. Just get through that, and I can go home.

But a dark shadow appeared in her hand, then a scythe. My eyes widened. A scythe? Taylor's a reaper! I stood up. "Your a reaper!" I shouted, I never thought anything cool had to do with Taylor, but she's a reaper?! Seriously, everyone is cooler than me. "Yea. It's more fun killing than bullying isn't it?" She said coming closer to me. Then she swung the scythe down at me. No. God no. I don't want to die!

I reached my arms out in front of me and created light. I grabbed the scythes blade, from the element I didn't feel a thing. With one hand I still held it in place and the other putting away my glasses. Don't need that broken again. Reapers are filled with darkness, this was going to be fun. Much much fun. I've had enough of her bullying.

The light and the fireUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum