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Hey there frens! I have something important for all of you that could be an interest to you. So, I haven't worked on this book for like, a good year. Honestly, there's a huge amount of changes that I want to make to the novel. So what's going to happen is I will post a "remastered" version of the novel through the course of June and the rest of the summer. So there will be many different changes to do with the plot, characters, setting, etc to make it better since my writing has improved by an incredible amount over the year. So if any of you have any suggestions for changes, questions, or have anything you want kept in the novel, let me know in the comments!

By the way, this old version will still be posted for if you want to read it still and I will also be editing the second book of the trilogy of this because I honestly had no idea how to continue it, so I'm going to start fresh and make this tale better than ever.

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