Chapter 25

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I awoke to my head throbbing and a pure white ceiling. Was I dead? No I can't be dead, don't be stupid Aeron. But what kind of dream was that? Ugh my head...where am I? So many questions. I have one of those...ugh what do you call it? IV? I'm pretty sure...anyways one of those is in one of the veins in my right hand. I must be in hospital. That sucks. "Aeron why are you an idiot?"

I glanced over to see Cade sitting in at the edge of my bed. In the two chairs were Ellie and Leo, which of course Leo was annoying her. "Excuse me woman?!" I said angrily. For some reason I felt so weighed down.

"First of all, I'm a dude. Second of all, you kinda got yourself here because you are actually stupid enough to not pay attention when were in a huge battle." He said with a little bit of anger in his voice, but still calm. "I'm not stupid."

I gritted my teeth, I didn't want to yell. "Dude she's getting angry." Leo said as if mocking Cade. "Shut up!" He yelled at him. "J-just leave." I said, I had enough of him right now. He didn't complain. just walked out of the room. What an asshole. Leo followed him, but Ellie stayed in the room.

After a while of silence Ellie spoke. "He just cares too much about everyone Aeron. Don't take what he said to heart. He wouldn't forgive himself if you were dead. You have no idea how hard he actually took it when Jane died." I stared at her in confusion. I mean, I understand what she's saying.

But something is confusing me. "What? You don't get it?"
"No I do. Just for once you don't have a book." She glared at me. "I know I know. But seriously, just don't take it to heart." She said before getting up and leaving. Well I guess I'm used to being left alone.

As I stared at the ceiling I tried to process everything that has happened in my mind. I've had so much blood on my hands, I've already had enough deaths of important people and that was only one person. I want to go home. I want to go home. I fucking want to go home! I miss my life! Why can't I just click my heels together and go home like in The wizard of Oz? I really hate the hospital, there's nothing to do.

Could someone at least bring in an Xbox? Please? I want to game-no-I need to game. Maybe I just need more sleep...I don't know. "Miss Lockhart?" I turned my attention to a nurse who was at the doorway of the room. "Yeah?"

"Someone's here to see you." She said. More people? Ugh. "Okay." I said looking back at the ceiling. She walked into the hallway. "Go right in sir." She said to whoever was there. When I saw him walk in I couldn't believe my eyes.

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