Chapter 2: 𝑻𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅

Start from the beginning

"Not yet."

"You're such a coward. I remember that night when you two first met. You came running, storming into my room, drenched from the rain. You didn't even care that I was having sex, You were so eager to share that a girl had caught your interest. I thought you would be hot on her trail the moment you saw her again. Yet, here you are, stalling," Zack jeered.

"Not stalling, just waiting for the opportune moment to talk to her," I corrected him.

He chuckled, clearly amused by my response.

"Whatever you say. If you need a wingman, just give the word, and I'll play cupid for you. It seems years without any romantic encounters have made you wary of interacting with the opposite sex," he suggested.

"Aren't you supposed to be plugging your dick into a woman right about now?" I retorted sharply.

He laughed, clearly unfazed by my retort.

"I'm only stating the facts. Don't get all worked up. You do have a more captivating presence when you smile... By the way, I'm going to see if I can charm one of the female lecturers. I'll call you later. How about we hang out tonight? My treat," he offered casually.

"Use a condom , the last thing I want is seeing tiny versions of you running around" I stated bluntly.

"Don't you ever get tired of being an asshole all of the time-whatever, I'll call you after classes" he said, walking away from me.

I discarded the cigarette, crushing it beneath my shoe.

I made my way to class, As the room filled with chattering students, I took my customary seat at the back, observing the scene before me.

'how much longer do I have to put up with this?'

Pulling out my phone, I immersed myself in a game.

I slowly raised my gaze from the screen of my phone and caught sight of Amanda. She was scanning the room, searching for an available seat. Sensing an opportunity, I allowed myself a moment to appreciate her captivating beauty.

'I want you'

'Amanda Miller. I want you so badly,' I thought to myself, my mind already strategizing the best approach.

As she drew closer, I acted swiftly, seizing her delicate hand in mine. I couldn't help but notice its softness, a stark contrast to my own firm grip. She met my eyes for a brief moment, her gaze then shifting to our entwined hands. Silence hung in the air, but I remained unperturbed.

"Ms Amanda right?.....If you're looking for a vacant seat, there's one next to me. No need to trouble yourself," I stated, a smile gracing my lips.

Smiling wasn't a common occurrence for me.

"Th-thank you," she stuttered, avoiding direct eye contact, her shyness palpable.

Releasing her hand, I gestured for her to take the seat beside me. Her hair fell gracefully, partially obscuring her exquisite face. She was a vision, and I knew.

"I thought all the seats were occupied. Thank you for finding me a place to sit," she remarked, her fingers idly toying-a subtle way to gauge her nerves.

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