12. The Bomb Arrives

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Mwahahaha I get a day off school because of some snow! So I decided I would spend this time writing! Haha!


  Through the music player, some Christmas songs start playing but nobody cares when Fairytale of New York starts playing. Everyone starts swinging and singing along to the gentle folk music.

  Martyn holds onto Celia soft hands tightly and slowly sways which she at first struggles to get into. Soon enough, she giggles and laughs and they dance around the camp fire.

  While they dance, Martyn thinks about what had happened 2 hours before. How was sitting and eating some meat and telling himself he will ask Celia to dance.

  But as soon as he did finish his food, he wouldn't go over to Celia. He found other things to distract him, such as chewing a bone from the meat he just had. As he slowly nibbled the last remains on the bone, he watched Celia on the other side of the area. She laughed beautifully as the other islanders did sumersaults and cartwheels across the dance floor.

  Then he finally caught Celia alone. He had to step forward or he might never get another opportunity like that again. So he slowly got up and walks over to Celia, trying to hide his fear of rejection.

  "Shall we dance?" he asked. As soon as the words passed his lips, he regretted showing so much confidence. He could have given her more of a choice and say 'Would you like to dance?'

  To his amazement, Celia pulled a wide smile. "Sure," she said.

  Martyn looks back at Celia's eyes after snapping out of his flashback of earlier. Maybe he could go in and kiss her? She wouldn't push him away would she? Her reaction to him asking to dance makes Martyn confidence she would not move away, but what if she was just happy to have a good friend back?

  Maybe he will do something later. There is plenty of time for him to do something. With that thought in mind, he continues dancing and laughing while holding tightly onto Celia's hands.

  "Sorry you missed the sunset earlier," Jack says as he walks alongside Ella towards the rest of the people at the party.

  It was worth it..." Ella says softly. "Now you must promise you won't tell anyone."

  Jack chuckles. "Oh really?"

  Suddenly, Ella grabs him and violently pins him against a tree in anger. "If I hear that it was part of a bet or something you will be dead before that bomb arrives."

  "Alright, calm down. I won't tell anyone," Ella releases Jack from her grip. "If it was part of a bet, what would make it so bad? Do you want it to have meaning or something?"

  Ella is quiet and shuffles her feat on the ground. She feels her face going hot. "So what if I do? It doesn't matter because tomorrow we are dying."

  "So you do?"

  "No, I don't!" she yells before turning and walking quickly back to the area where the music comes from.

  It is about 1 o'clock in the morning and some gentle music starts playing with dreadfully cheesy ballads. The islanders protest against this music but they do eventually accept one song.

  To the gentle music, Celia and Martyn slow dance with Celia placing her hand on his shoulder. As they sway, she feels herself drifting to sleep.

  As soon as the music finishes, Martyn takes a look at Celia's face. She can barely keep her eyes open. "I think you should go to bed," he says as he picks her up and carries her to the cabin.

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