3. Prison & Plans

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  Martyn returns to the large cabin after he puts Ella in the cell. He finds Jack sitting on the throne, leaning on his palm with his elbow on the right arm of the chair.

  "Jack, you alright mate?" Martyn is very casual towards his friend when other islanders are not around. Jack sighs and Martyn knows something is wrong.

  "What's the name of that girl? The one with short curly hair?" Jack asks.

  "Her name's Ella I think," Martyn responds. They never asked the girls names, but Martyn was over hearing the girls talking to each other on the way up to the little village.

  "Right, this Ella girl... She doesn't seem to like me," Jack points out obviously.

  "Why does that bother you? Everyone else in Turninsula seems to like you," Martyn smiles to lift up his friend's spirits.

  "I don't know why it bugs me... I- Hey I know," Jack stands up and walks around to think for a bit. "She looks like someone who could lead a rebellion. What if she makes other people on the island dislike me?"

  Martyn stands there, Jack has a good point. "What are you going to do about it then?" he asks. Jack thinks again.

  "Sending her to prison was not a good move for this situation... How about we release her early? Let's make it half an hour instead of two," Jack suggests.

  "Good idea," Martyn agrees. "What's the move after that?" he asks.

  "Hmmm..." Jack places his hands on his chin in thought. "We make her have a good job! You know, an adviser or something," Jack smiles at his genius plan. "This can give me a brilliant chance to be as nice to her as possible while she is doing her job."

  "Don't you think you're taking a bit too much action? Just show you are a nice King, you don't need to favouritise her like this do you?" Martyn asks.

  Jack glares at Martyn. "I have reasons for my actions," he makes Martyn aware of that. Martyn stops smiling.

  "I know, but I was just doing my job as being the adviser," Martyn responds. "That reminds me, if Ella's gonna be the adviser, what will I do?"

  "Come on you're my mate! I won't kick you out, I'll keep you as my advisor, Ella will just be alongside you," Jack chuckles and wraps his arm around his friend.

  Jack thinks about what life would be like on the island without Martyn. The atmosphere would be so different; it would be gloomy and nobody would be smiling. This was why Jack was such good friends with Martyn, he always knew how to cheer people up. Though, being on the island with Adrian would not be that bad. Adrian is quiet and doesn't talk much to the boys, that doesn't seem to bother them much. When Adrian does speak, everyone seems to notice it. He was overall quite mysterious, but still a good friend of Jack's, which is why he was chosen to be the scribe.

  When the boys first landed on the island, they decided they would create their own place which they were in charge of. This was decided shortly after some men in helicopters came from the UK. When they realised the boys were well and truly stuck on the lonely island, they decided to come every week and provide them with basic needs as well as entertainment. At the same time, they found out this island was completely undiscovered until the boys were trapped. This meant they could claim it as their own and they ceased the opportunity.

  Jack insisted on being King since he came up with the fantastic idea. Adrian and Martyn didn't care so decided not argue with him. Adrian slays had the talent for being good at writing as well as being organised, so Jack decided he would be the scribe. Martyn may not have been the brightest spark of the bunch but he was certainly great company for the King, so Jack chose him to be his adviser.

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