Chapter Twenty Six

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Rae's Point of View

"Ahh... Las Vegas." Tony stepped out of the bus. Following behind him was Mike, then Jaime, then me and Vic. I decided I'd be fine, so I walked over to find someone I knew. Tomorrow was That's when Austin came walking up to me and I started to smile. "Hey Austin!" I smirked at him. He waved hi to me, opening his arms. He was like ten feet away from me. So I decided to continue to walk while he stood there in place.   

Nick's Point of View

I ran out of my car and slammed it shut. There were tons of tour buses. But where was Pierce the Veil's bus? That's when I saw her. "Hey Austin!" She smirked at him. He waved to her. Maybe those two will die. That's when I hid in a bush, she continued to get closer and closer to him. As I loaded my gun, I aimed, and as she put herself in his arms I fired. She dropped down as he caught her, and I shot him too. "AUSTIN! RAE!" I heard screams. I jumped up and saw Vic look down at her. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He screamed in my face. I slowly picked up the gun and held it up. "Everything." I told him. He backed up with his bloody hands in the air, as the cops started screaming. I put the gun into my mouth, lightly touching the trigger. I looked down at Rae and back at Vic. Bang, bang. 

I'm dead.

Austin's Point of View

She ran up to me hugging me. She smelled good. That's when I heard a wince from Rae, and she fell. I caught her in my arms but she just got shot. "Rae..." I mumbled. I looked over and soon enough, I was shot too. And everything got blurry. "AUSTIN! RAE!" Was all I heard... I saw faces surround me in a circle as my eyes started to shut. I felt so weak. But Rae's hand was still in mine the whole time. "Stay with me Austin, it's okay dude..." I heard someone shaking my arm. 

Vic's Point of View

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I screamed in his face. He held up the gun and said, "Everything." I backed up, holding my hands up. But instead he put the gun in his mouth and touched the trigger lightly. "PUT THE GUN DOWN!" I heard a scream. "Police! Put your hands where I can see them!" The cop screamed. He didn't put it down. Instead, he shot himself. Right there, in front of everyone. As he dropped to the ground the cops surrounded his dead body in a circle. I turned around and saw everyone looking at me. And then I turned around to Austin and Rae being taken away.

"I don't want her to die..." I mumbled. "It's my fault..." I told Mike. He patted me on the back saying, "No it's not. It's not your fault. You didn't know it'd actually happen." I shut my eyes and sighed. "Let's go." We had to get a cab to the hospital because we had no car. I didn't say a single word. All I could think was why? Why did he have to torture her so much? We finally got there and we walked in the hospital. I had no clue how any of this worked, it was nice here, though. I sat down and my hands were shaking. My heart was beating fast and I felt like I would cry. But guys don't break down... do they?

Maybe if I just pinched myself I'd be dreaming... that Rae got shot and so did Austin, and I'd wake up to Jaime and Tony running around fighting over who wanted the last bowl of Lucky Charms. And Mike would be yelling at them to shut up and I'd be rolling over to see Rae's beautiful face... 

"Vic? You okay?" I saw Kellin snapping his fingers in front of me. I shook my head and my teary eyes and looked at him. He saw my expression and gave me a brotherly smile. "Dude, she'll be okay." He gave me a pat on the back. I nodded as he got up. "It's already late dude, you gotta get back." I sighed. "Come on, I'll give you a ride." Wondering how he got a car, I got up and walked with him. "It's a rental car." He told me, flipping the keys as he unlocked the door. I got in and we were listening to music by Man Overboard. "You think she'll pull through?" I asked him. He turned down the music. "I know she will, Vic. Rae's a strong girl. Thank God the asshole is dead though." I cracked a tiny smile. 

We got back to the hotel parking lot as I walked over to my bus. I walked in and saw the boys sitting watching a movie. "Hey Vic. Are you alright?" Jaime asked. I fell down on the couch and sighed. Then I leaned up and said. "I passed out over there while I was sitting there, Kellin got me. I'm worried she won't-" "Vic, she'll make it dude. If you did, then she will too." I nodded. It was already 11. I got up and started walking, as I turned around. "What do you think they'll do if she can't leave by tomorrow?" They all shrugged. "They'll keep her there..." Mike stood up. "Sorry, Vic." I looked at my brother and shook my head. "It's alright. Night guys." I crawled into my bunk. It was so small but it seemed so empty. I knew she had her phone, so I sent her a text. 

Good night, Rae. I love you.

Hey guys! Sorry this is so short! I'm working on Chapter Twenty Seven right now! Love you all, thanks for reading!

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