Chapter Twenty Three

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Sienna and I were standing on the stage with a bunch of other people. I saw so many people in the crowd. I saw Vic from the side of the stage as I threw a heart up at him. Then, a song began to play. The New National Anthem. Everyone in the crowd started screaming. Mike came on stage. Louder. Tony came on with his guitar. Even louder. Jaime ran onto the stage. Louder. Then slowly, Vic walked on stage and started singing. 

"Drag my hand behind you like a chain behind a truck..." He sang. He walked over me. "Sparks over your carpet while I chase you through the darkness. Somebody's supposed to fall in love... But nobody even calls. Somebody's supposed to..." He took my hand and sang to me. "Tear this place apart until you find me hiding! Silently I waaaait! You'll be excited just to see me someday, everything's okay!"

Everyone screamed. 

He looked at me still holding my hand. "Summer and gold, throw, their colors at the dark! A mother tells her son, (Crowd sings this) "DARLING, LOOK AT THE SPARKS!" (Looking back at me) But you hold my attention without even trying. A beautiful reflection from firework eyes!" I smiled. He did too. "But never, means forever! Desperation! And hanging in the backyard at night! Somebody's supposed to fall in love..." 

"Tear this place apart until you find me hiding, silently I wait! You'll be excited just to see me someday... Everything's okay!" He smiled again and got to my favorite part. "LOVE! Don't forget to bleed so...slowly... Haunted hearts we melt over, the fabric of your flooorr. I'm holding her just like she's gold but, I've been running from the sun! Oh, no, no..."

He finished the song. Everyone screamed as he kissed me. I ran back to Sienna as she said, "That was great!" She threw a double thumbs up. He announced who they were and stuff. They were great live. I loved him. And my best friends. That's when I walked off stage onto the side stage. 

"Hey Kel!" I smiled. Kellin was getting ready for King For a Day. He was running in place and breathing deeply. I tilted my head and smiled. They were playing Besitos. Next would be Bulletproof Love, Yeah Boy, Caraphernelia, The Boy Who Could Fly, Southern Constellations, Hold on Till May and King For a Day. "Hey Rae. I'm so nervous." He told me. I laughed a little folding my arms. "Why's that? You did great earlier!" I complimented. "Thanks, but I've performed all those songs before. Not this one."

They finished up Besitos. Soon enough they were on Hold On Till May. "Rae get out here!" He yelled. My eyes widened as I turned. Jaime and Tony were strumming the guitars for the beginning. I hugged Kellin saying, "You'll do great. If you need anything, I know how to sing it." I smiled. 

I ran out on stage. People screamed loud. Vic started singing to the crowd. And I thought back to last year... With Nick. Hold On Till May. And it was around May when I got there. "Now don't be crazy now, of course you can stay here." I smiled at this. "I only said it cause I know what it's like to feel, BURNED OUT!" Was this song about me?

He handed me a mircophone so I sang. "If you were me, you'd do the sameeeeeee...  Cause I can't take it anymore. I'll draw the shades and close the door..." We were standing literally chest to chest. "Everything's not alright, and I would rather..." Die. I would rather die.  And now our foreheads were touching. Everyone screamed. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." We fell apart as he started singing again. 

Then Kellin came on stage, I hugged him again. Then King For a Day began. They were killing it. "Dude! Look at those moshpits!" I pointed out for Sienna. Her eyes widened. "That's crazy!" There were at least 3 huge moshpits forming into a gigantic one. "Thank you Salt Lake City! Good night!" Vic yelled. Sienna and I walked over to Isabella. "I'll come visit you again someday. I promise!" I told her, hugging her. "Thanks Rae." She smiled running off the stage. I turned around to Vic. "Hey babe. You killed it on that song!" He smiled. 

I smiled back. "Thanks babe, you did too." And kissed. "Time to go back on the bus! Time for Warped day 2!" Jaime yelled. Next up was Denver, Colorado. We all ran back to the bus. Jaime sat next to Sienna, and I sat next to Sienna and Vic. Tony was in the shower and Mike had a headache, so he went to bed. 

Jaime and Sienna were hitting it off. Vic was finishing up a song. "What's it about, babe?" I said. I leaned back and layed on his shoulder. "It's about... A girl... who is suicidal." Not a good way to describe that, Vic. He started saying the lyrics. "I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful. And I don't ever wanna lose my best friend." I nodded. "I like it."

"It's all for you babe." He smiled. I gave him my dimple smile. (That's what he calls it, the kind of smile without teeth but the smile that shows my dimples.) "Aw. Vic, I love you." I kissed his cheek. "Read more." He continued. "I screamed out, "God you vulture! Bring her back or take me with her. Tear it down, break the barricade. I wanna see what sound it makes..."

He continued it. I loved it. It was perfect... 

Sienna decided to also take a shower. "Man," Jaime breathed, leaning back. His arms behind his head. "She's a charm." I looked at him and smiled. "You two would be adorable, Jaime!" I told him. "Imagine it. Jienna. Or Saime!" Vic laughed along. "Because we're Vae or Ric. Sounds awkward." I rolled my eyes at him. "But we're perfect for each other." I told him.

"Yup! Of course." Vic got up and walked to the kitchen. "Hey Rae, would you mind taking pictures of us throughout Warped?" Tony came out, drying his hair. "I have enough money for a really nice Nikon. I just need to get it." I smiled. "Cool, ask David to bring you in the morning. It's probably not that far." I nodded. "I think I'm gonna ask Oliver."

"Sykes?" Jaime chimmed in. "Yup. He said he'd do anything for me. Because he likes my style." I shrugged. I did love Drop Dead clothing. "And I'm thinking about a few tattoos." Vic walked back in. "No." He pointed in my face. "No tattoos!" He snapped. I gave him a dirty look. "Don't tell me what to do." "But tattoos are permanent. You don't wanna do that to yourse-" "I can do what I want, you're not my Mom. She's dead already." I stood up crossing my arms. 

"Oh God, another fight..." Jaime mumbled. Tony got up and went to his bunk. "I'm gonna go sleep... Night!" He ran out quickly. "Why are you being so-" He stopped. "So what, Vic? Bitchy?" "I didn't say that." He threw his hands up in defense. "You were thinking it. You don't even know what I was gonna get!" I yelled in his face. He rolled his eyes and walked to his bunk. "Okay, ignore me. Fine, Vic." I climbed into my bunk and slammed it shut. I put in headphones and fell asleep.

Fuck this. 

Author's note:

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story... It's not ending until Warped is over! Cool!

So what do you think will/should happen to Vic and Rae? 

And I'll be starting another story! c:

Peace and Love,

Jayla (twitter- @chemic4lkid)

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