Chapter Twenty Eight

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Warped Tour was over. And soon, they'd be going on the Collide With the Sky tour with Sleeping with Sirens, Tonight Alive, Hands Like Houses, and themselves. I sat on my bed of my old room and wanted to re-decorate but I was too lazy. I glanced at the walls, they were covered with pictures of me and my friends back in New York, and my friends here. I had pictures with Austin Carlile, Kellin, Mitch Lucker, everyone... they changed my life. I heard my phone ring from my bed as I plopped down. Unknown. "Hello?" I answered. "I hope you know your boyfriend is cheating on you." I stood up and laughed a little. "Yeah, alright. That's why he was all over me last night. That's why he's just probably getting home now." 

I opened my door and walked into Vic's room. He wasn't in there, so I ran downstairs and saw someone unlocking the door. I ran up to the door as he opened it and I pushed him out. "Rae? What the-" "You cheater!" "What are you talking about?" I heard the voice from my phone laughing. I put it on speaker. "Hahaha, Vic babe, don't lie to her..." I looked at him and bit my lip. "I can't believe you'd do this!" I yelled. "What's going on?" Mike walked out, with Jaime and Tony running behind him. "Your brother is a cheater and now he's single." I told him. I turned around pushing Tony and Jaime out of the way, making my way up to my room. I wasn't even crying. I was just so furious, and who the fuck was that? Why would he cheat on me? 

I threw my stuff on my bed and sat down not knowing what to do. Because all I had were the boys, my parents were dead and so was Nick. I heard a knock on my door and heard it was Tony. "Hey, Rae." He mumbled. "Hi Tony." He sat down next to me and asked, "Are you okay?" "No. I'm not. I don't know what to do, where to go-" "Go? You're gonna leave? Rae, all you have to do is ignore him if anything..." I shook my head. "I'm just gonna leave for a little while." I shrugged. I hugged him bye, throwing my bag of clothes over my shoulder. "Text me please." Tony followed me out the door. I shut it behind me and walked downstairs. He kept talking to me but I was ignoring him. I saw Mike and Jaime sitting on the couches. "You're leaving?" Mike jumped up. Jaime turned around. "For a little bit. I'll be back when I feel it's right to..." I told them. "I love you guys." They all understood and gave me hugs. "Vic left to go find out who that caller was. He keeps saying he was at Kellin's, but I don't know." 

I shrugged. I turned to the door and opened it, shutting it behind me. I walked out to my car and unlocked it. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and drove off. 

Tony's POV

"Let's go." I told them, grabbing the keys. "We're gonna follow her?" I nodded as we all ran out to my car, we all got in and followed her down the street. "Why are we following her?" "So I know she's not going to do anything stupid. Or go somewhere stupid." They were both in the back seat, when she turned down the street and we got stuck at a red light. That's when we heard a crash and we couldn't see anything. "Oh shit! Park the car!" I turned and parked the car as we ran down the sidewalk. It was a bad car crash. "RAE!" I screamed. We ran over to her car and saw her laying against the wheel. "Shit..." Jaime murmured. "We shouldn't had let her go." Mike put his arms behind his head. The paramedics and police got here quick, and she was the only one being brought to the hospital. Shit. What would Vic say about this? 

I got a text from Austin, asking if Rae left the house yet. "Guys?" They both turned to me. "She was going to Austin's house." They looked at each other as I dialed his number. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey, Austin..." "What's up Tony? What's that noise in the background?" I turned to see people shouting and paramedic trucks going off as Rae got rushed away. "That would be people shouting and a paramedic truck." "Is everything okay?" I didn't say anything. "Was it Rae?" He asked. I didn't say anything until I said, "Yeah.." "I'll be at your house in a few." He hung up and I looked at my phone. "Text from Vic asking where we went with her. Should we tell him?" MIke shook his head. "Not yet." We ran back to the car and drove back to the house. We had to all get changed before going to the hospital. 

"Where is she?" We were about to walk out the door when Vic ran downstairs. "We can't tell you Vic." Jaime told him. We saw Austin run through the door and say, "Is she hurt?" We looked at him, and back at Vic. "What happened to Rae?" He looked at Austin, Austin looked at Vic, and then we all looked at each other. "Come on, Austin. We'll tell you on the way there. Vic, stay here. Don't come." He looked worried when he watched us leave. We all ran out to my car once again and drove down to the hospital, but Jaime drove. "So what happened?" Austin asked. "Rae was in a car accident. She wasn't breathing or anything when we saw her." "Oh god..." Austin said. "I wish I could have picked her up instead..." 

We pulled into the Emergency Room parking lot and ran inside. "May I help you?" The lady at the desk said. "Rae, we're looking for Rae. Long brown haired Rae." Austin breathed. "She was in a car accident." "Oh, right. She was put in the hospital, she's not in the ER." He stopped breathing heavily and said, "She's in a coma?" The lady shook her head. "Yes, but you guys can see her in Room 288." "Are we allowed in together?" She nodded. "Why not. Help yourselves." We found it eventually, and I had a feeling that Vic had followed. But I'm not sure. Jaime opened the door and we all walked in. "She looks so dead." "Well at least she isn't." Austin sat down and held her hand and I saw a tear come out of his eye. Never have I seen Austin Carlile cry. The doctor walked in and said, "Hello. Are you guys friends of Rae?" We all nodded. "Well as you can see she hasn't borken a bone but she does have tons of stitches and she's in a coma."

We all nodded. "All we can do is pray she wakes up soon." Mike said. "Oh yeah, there is another visitor by the name of Victor Fuentes, is he allowed in? Do you know him?" We all sighed and said, "Yeah." So the doctor left and Vic walked in, his eyes were all teary and he looked like a mess. "So this is what you guys were keeping me from? My own girlfriend?" We looked at him as he sat down next to Rae. "How did this happen?" He looked at me. "She was leaving to go to Austin's, and she ended up getting in a car crash." Vic looked up and said, "Was there a girl in one of the cars?" I looked at Mike and Jaime and they both nodded. 

"It was that girl who called her..." He said. "She was trying to kill Rae... I don't know who she is but I know the cops gave me her address and her car was driving away. Was it a black car?" We nodded again. He frowned a little and said, "It's some girl.. I don't know who she is. But she has the same last name as Nick." I looked at her, she had stitches on the side of her head and down her arms. But that's when I noticed... "Cuts?" Everyone looked at me. "What, Tony?" I walked over and looked at her arms. "She's cutting again?" Austin looked at her arms. "I didn't even know she did..." He gulped. "She promised." Vic mumbled. They looked deep too, and fresh. What made her start again? And why didn't we notice?

 "I gotta go fix the whole car situation and make sure she gets arrested."  He stood up in anger and slammed the door shut. I can sense the anger in him. That's when David from Breathe Carolina walked in. "Hey David, how'd you know we were here?" "Well, I was here visiting a friend and I saw Vic storming out of this room and he said Rae was here. What happened?" "Car accident, coma." David nodded. "Crazy shit. Saw that on the news too. But I didn't know it was Rae." We had all decided to leave, except for Austin, so we drove to the house quickly and drove his car there, and we left.

Sorry it's so short! Updating soon! :)

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