One shot - Covid-19

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So last night I asked in the author's note if you would like a one shot, I didn't get much reaction, but the two I got did want one so I finished the chapter I had started last week. For those who don't want to read it, the next chapter belonging to the story will be up sometime this week or weekend. I hope you guys like it, my writing has always been a therapy for me and writing this was very much that for me. I hope you guys will enjoy it and that you're all still safe. The song above inspired me and helped me a lot in writing this, I hope you guys have heard it before cause it really is beautiful and if you haven't I hope you enjoyed your first listen to it. 

When Corona broke out in China, it had been kept quiet, but she remembered the first articles turning up around Christmas. She'd been at Sandringham, spending her first Christmas with her new family. And she'd been reading the Daily Mail in her phone. Virus broken out in China. Nothing to worry about most articles had said but Amelia had always relied on that gut feeling. It had truly never let her down and it told her that this thing wasn't a good thing. It wasn't something to not worry about. The next days, she looked up every article she could about the virus. But since it was the holidays, she didn't see the need to worry her new family by asking if they could ask around at the embassy if things were okay over there. She had sources and connections she could use to find things out right now. But not wanting to ruin her first Christmas with this family, she'd just mentioned it in passing to anyone who listened really.

After New Years the story really broke in Europe and the rest of the country. That's when those she'd spoken to about it in passing, remembered Amelia talking about it and that's when Amelia asked to check with the British Embassies to hear anything about it. They needed to have as much information as they could possibly have. The Royal most involved had been Amelia because of it, she'd been the first to notice it and really follow it. As weeks passed by, the virus really seemed to take a hold of Asia, it was no longer a virus not to worry about. But so many people, former student colleagues she talked to would just tell her it was a simple flu like virus, nothing they would have to worry about it, when she talked to government officials, a task the Queen had appointed her to, she was the royal to be in the line with it. She'd been so frustrated to hear people tell her that she was just spreading panic for nothing. That she was making a fuss about a simple flu like virus. And then end of February Italy was hit the worst first, 10000 dead's she couldn't even imagine what that must have done to the psyche of medical personnel. And even then, people still didn't take it serious, Amelia wondered how people could be so stupid and ignorant to something that was right in front of them.

As March begun, things started to spread like wild fire in Europe, not that she had a say in the government, if she had maybe things wouldn't have gotten this far. But she was happy when they finally realized that they needed to get to action and prepare for Italy like scenarios. And then everything happened so fast, she was worried about her family and friends still living in Belgium, nurses included. Would any of her family get infected? Would her parents both risk patients get through this unharmed? Would her new family with risk patients in it themselves survive all? Would anyone she knew get infected? She had been having those worries for a while, but it was like they were shot to the forefront of her mind with the announcement of the lockdowns in Belgium first and then here in the UK. Everyone from the Royals were making plans to leave busy London, preparing to leave for their country homes.

Amelia had been wanting to go and help since the lockdown begun in Belgium. England hadn't decided as to what they were going to do. But the stories she heard from Amber working on the Intensive care unit, she went to when she needed to be reminded that she was a nurse first and foremost. Every month she would go there and work as a nurse. She didn't need to be paid, she simply took pleasure of being able to do what she had studied to do. She knew all the nurses and doctors there. Their ward had been changed into a Covid ward and Amelia had been so worried about them. But when she heard Amber crying out for help, they'd sent all the nurses and people working for NAST to help out where they could. A ton of people worked for them, and they weren't going to be working at NAST anytime soon, so they could be sent to places where they could help out. And it wasn't as if they needed to ask the people they worked with for NAST. All of them had offered to go and help on the frontlines. Dirk, her former teacher and director of NAST had gone and joined Amber at intensive care unit. He too went there once in a while and had 20-year experience on Intensive care so he was very much welcomed with open arms. Amelia had wanted to go and help out as well for a couple of days, especially when she heard the dire need for nurses.

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