Chapter 81

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And as they stepped outside of the Abbey through the flower arch, they paused, looking at the mass of camera's and photographers stood opposite of them as she turned to look at Alex with a smile on her face, truly happy with how everything had turned out and that she was now married to the man she loved more than life itself and she felt a happiness she couldn't compare to anything she'd ever felt, a calmness settling over her, the unrest she'd always felt calming down.

She felt Alex wrapping his arm around her waist and close the gap between them, they hadn't planned for it, but it felt right as they kissed under the flower arch as they left the abbey where they had just gotten married and the crowd went wild as the bells continued to chime above them louder than before as they broke apart, both grinning widely at each other as they started walking towards their carriage waiting to take them to Buckingham Palace.

"Are they louder than when I arrived?" Amelia whispered to Alex as they walked between the saluting soldiers, adjusted his hat in his hand as he leant up to her as he nodded his head at her.

"They are, they're celebrating our marriage," he explained to her as she nodded her head in understanding at him with a wide grin on her face. Walking up to their horse-drawn carriage and today of all days, it truly felt like she was a fairytale princess. It was utterly bonkers and unthinkable that it was her the crowd was so wild for as the cheers increased by each step they took closer to their carriage.

"How are we going to do this?" Alex wondered, looking down at her stunning and quite large gown. Now he knew why she'd been forced to get in and out of the carriage so many times with her fake train.

Much to her annoyance, but he could understand the need for it as well right now as they stopped in front of the carriage as he went to pull on his gloves and hat as the cheers of the public and the bells continued to chime above them and could probably be heard all over London.

"You go in first?" she asked him as he nodded his head at her as he made quick work of getting into the carriage as Amelia grinned and waved towards the crowd as they continued to cheer and even sing in celebration of their wedding.

They were truly husband and wife now and it seemed the nation and probably more was happy with it as she turned her attention back to Alex as she handed him her bouquet of flower which he put on the seat opposite of where they were going to sit as he sat down beside it for more leverage as she got set foot on the small step.

"Can we help Your Royal Highness?" two of the soldiers on either side asked her and she was a bit stunned by that address, so much that she lost her balance a little as both of the soldiers reached out to steady her as Alex nearly jumped out of the carriage again.

Just the thing she needed, she could already see the headlines, new Duchess faints on her wedding day, now that would be something she was sure to never live down. Her family and friends would be the first ones too tease her about it, without a doubt.

"I'm fine, just not used to that title yet" Amelia pointed out with a hint of amusement as they all let out a chuckle around her as she looked back up at a grinning Alex as he shook his head at her in amusement. Only his 'wife' god he still needed to get used to that, but she was truly his wife, the ring around his finger was one thing that would proof that to the entire world. But seeing her in her stunning wedding gown still, well that was even more proof on this day.

"Some help would be welcome with this gown. I didn't think it through when we designed it." she pointed out with a hint of amusement as she felt Alex tugging on her hand as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb as the one soldier boosted her up a bit as she stepped foot into the carriage much to the enjoyment of the crowd it seemed as they let out another cheer as she sat down on her place as Alex took his seat beside her as they started to tug the train into it and she adjusted the cape so she wouldn't tug it off by sitting on it.

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