Chapter 45

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"So how did the lecture go?" Alex asked Amelia as she was sat behind the desk of the A&E in her hometown. They were all having a small break, enjoying the peace and quiet that they had, not too many patients came in, or had come in for that matter. That's why she loved the nightshift though, there wasn't too much work, not that she minded working, but once in a while in was nice to just sit back and relax.

"How did you expect that one to go?" she asked him rhetorically and with a raise of her brow.

"A bunch of teenagers that are still too selfish about their own needs and desires and we have to make them realize that they could save a life with what we're trying to teach them. I told Sophie it would be a waste of our time, but she didn't listen." Amelia elaborated to her boyfriend who was halfway around the world for his Royal tour of the Caribbean. If she'd been given a choice than she'd rather have spent the day with him, then with the bunch of teenagers who couldn't care less about saving a life, yet. Sure, there had been a few that actually listened, but she could count them on one hand, maybe two.

"Well, I'm sure you did the best you could, there isn't much more you could have done there." Alex told her with an optimistic and supportive voice, he had every bit of faith that she would have done an amazing job, he knew his girlfriend well enough to know what she would have given it her all. But he also knew what it meant to be young and when you couldn't think of many others yet.

He'd been there comforting her when she'd come home from some of her placements, when the day had been too intense because of a bad experience. When a person's death had left such an impact on her that it would stay with her for the rest of her life, of just a couple of weeks. They wouldn't know what it meant to try to save a life, till they looked a family member in the eye of someone who'd lost someone.

"I could have used some sleep instead of wasting my time there though." She reminded him as she pulled her legs up to her chest when she heard the code blue being announced.

"Gotta go love." She told him, ending the call quickly and making a run towards the ward where they had to try and save yet another life.


"This is so the last thing that I need right now." She whispered to Sophie as they walked into the pub in their hometown, her ex was sitting there at their usual corner table, it had been a while since she'd seen him really, since before the breakup and the leaking of pictures. It was just her luck that the first time they'd show up here again ever since the breakup, he'd be there.

"Just ignore him." Sophie advised her as they went to sit at a table at another corner of the pub, still secluded enough to give them some privacy. Sophie was sat on her right, their friends settling around them as they waited for Amber and Louis to arrive as well. But she couldn't help but feel his eyes on her and she so wished Alex would be with her at this moment.

And she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she noticed Louis coming in alongside Amber. She was close to Alex' family, on both sides, his mother may not be there anymore, but it didn't mean that he wasn't close to his mother's side of the family and he was particularly close to his cousins.

"so, you finally made it." she teased him, rising up from her place to go and greet Louis with a smile on her face as she went to kiss his cheek and give him a quick hug.

"The train got delayed." He explained to her as she nodded her head in understanding, she'd endured that quite a bit times herself, she knew what it was like.

"No Alex?" he teased her, and as a result she slapped his arm with a teasing look.

"He's on the other side of the globe." She told him with a sad tone as he gave her a small knowing smile.

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