Chapter 35

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Thanks again for all your votes reads and comments it really means the world to me to read your thoughts on my chapters.  A mid week surprise with this chapter I hope you'll like it, but we'll have to wait and see 😛

The second week of her placement, she'd been worked in a little more and she was more familiar with the ward she was on. She'd slowly gotten over the fear, but a tiny bit was still there, but if she thought that her life had been hectic before, well it was nothing compared to now. She had more assignments, the closer they got to the graduation the more work they seemed to be getting. Her paper was taking all of her attention when she got home, they needed to turn the paper during the Easter Holidays, so everyone, including Steven, Amber and Helen were stuck in their work for it, doing research and doing what they needed to do to make it even better than their first, second and third version.

The rumors and articles had started to die off a little, the fact that she and Meghan had fought at the Christening was slowly being forgotten. People weren't giving her as many odd looks as before. Alex had offered to let the story be rectified by a subtle leak, the way they always did things. But a leak had been the damn thing that got her into this entire mess in the first place. So, she'd kindly declined the offer and continued to do her schoolwork, go to work at her placement and so on.

Though she didn't feel as certain about things like she'd done before it was too bad. Intensive care was pretty easy when it came to her patients. They were hooked up machines and weren't awake, except for the odd patient here and there. And so far, she'd actually enjoyed her placement here.

Sat at the nurses' station she could hear her phone buzzing continuously throughout the morning and she wasn't the only one who'd been annoyed by it today. Normally she wasn't one to play around with her phone when she was at her placement. So, she'd simply shut it off whatever the hell was going on would have to wait as she finished her round with her mentor around noon before they made their way towards the cafeteria.

But from the moment she left the intensive care unit, she noticed that the glares and odd looks were being turned towards her. And she wondered what the hell was going on for the glares to have returned. She ignored the looks she was given and headed to a secluded corner of the cafeteria and turned her phone back on.

And immediately a string of messages and missed phone calls came onto her screen. All of them asking her how she could even think about cheating on Alex? How could she have done such a foul thing as to cheat on her boyfriend. How would she even find the time for it? There were even a couple of messages from her own family asking her the same thing, that she was always the one to preach about once a cheat, always a cheat and that she was now caught doing the very same thing.

For a second time in three weeks' time, she googled her own name. she needed to figure out as to what the hell was going on this time. She cheating on Alex, sure they were having a rough patch, but every relationship had that, and they were now working on it. And even if they were going through a rough patch, she would never cheat on him, she loved and respected him way too much to ever even think about it. And where would she even have the time for it? She was always working for school, her placement, her paper, other assignments that needed to be finished.

Clicking on the Daily mail, she feared what she may find there. 'Amelia cheats on Prince Alexander with her ex-boyfriend." Read the headline as she started to scroll down her phone, and then she saw it, seven pictures of her cuddled up to Jens, her ex-boyfriend. She recognized the photo because they were still somewhere on her computer in Past images. It was from the short time they'd been dating; they'd been goofing off with their phone, taking pictures of them cuddling in bed and on the couch in his living room at his parents' place.

What If?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon