Chapter 54

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"I'm going to bloody kill him." Amelia cursed as she wiped the water away from her brow, they'd gone kayaking today, something she'd come to regret from the very start since Steven was in a kayak all by himself. Since he was the guy, he could handle paddling all by himself' he'd said. But he could also handle splashing them with the water as he threw his paddle back and forth. She was not kidding when she threatened to stick that peddle somewhere very uncomfortable.

"I'll help you bury the body." Sophie noted from her spot in front of her as she let out a snort at that.

"We'll just simply drown him in the lake." Amelia commented as they continued paddling, trying to keep an eye on Steven and creating enough of a distance between them, so he couldn't splash them again.

"Now it's our turn." She said as they peddled up to Steven and both her and Sophie made a splash at him, wetting him from head to toe.

"Payback." They called out to him as he immediately tried to get away from them by paddling away, they knew if they remained behind that they were going to get in a lot of trouble and neither Amelia nor Sophie fancied getting even wetter than they already were. Not that it was bloody likely, they were already soaked to the bone. Steven only thought it was hilarious for them to be in these sorts of situations as he continued paddling both of them.

"You're just a wuss," Steven called out to them as Amelia turned around to turn her famous glare on him. "If you know what's good for you, they'll keep that mouth of yours shut." She warned him, threatening to throw her peddle at his head. Not that it would be a good idea, the only thing she'd achieve by doing it, would be to lose her own paddle, which would in turn make them end up here in the middle of the lake with only one paddle.

And she didn't think that Sophie and she wasn't either for swimming up to the shore either, so it stayed with a threat only. But once they reached the short a couple of hours later, she did end up whacking him up the head, something he deserved.

Later on, in the evening they ended up going to see Lord of Dance, and they'd really enjoyed the show, the music, the atmosphere. If anyone were to ask her, it become a yearly trip of theirs, she loved it so much that she'd already asked Alex that if they came up to London they'd go and watch them again. He'd readily agreed to it, since he had kind of wanted to see it for a while as well and he knew both of them would get a nice evening out of it.


The following day it was bright and early when the foursome had to get up, the lads and their partners in Glen and Mark's case were taking them to the Wicklow mountains just outside of Dublin, they knew their country the best and were familiar with the more stunning and scenic routes and since the four of them loved going for a hike, she looked forward to discovering the more beautiful spots in that national park.

"Morning." The lads greeted them as Amelia opened the door of the car, Steven had driven them to the spot they'd agreed to meet at. Sure, her placements had insured that she wasn't as grumpy in the mornings as she usually would have before starting her nursing course. But waking up early would never become something she liked to do, she hated it in fact and that morning she had a particularly bad temper.

"Michaels get your ass up." Steven called out to her as she let out a growl.

"Amelia has the occasionally morning temper." She heard someone explain for her as she finally managed to get out of the car, and though the sun wasn't very high, she was still wearing her sunglasses though.

"Bad night?" Danny had to wonder as she let out a grumbled: "Yes."

"Leave her be for about an hour." Everyone who knew what her temper could be like in the morning had learned in how to handle it as well. They'd learned that ignorance was best, she'd come through as morning progressed.

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