Chapter 23

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Thanks for all the comments, votes and reads; I apologise for the long wait but with school and now my placement ive had my hands full. I hope it was worth the wait :)

Sat in the living room where she'd already spend so much time with Alex, she smiled when she noticed her family there for the first time. Alex had just gone and left to meet up with his father at Clarence house, something Amelia was already used to. It usually was the moment when she had some time to work on her paper or for school.

"Isn't it a bit much, all of this?" Her mother pointed out, looking around the place, the open kitchen and living room.

"It's a palace mum." Amelia pointed out with a chuckle, rising from where she was sat on her chair to go and refill her cup of tea.

"No kidding." Her mother pointed out as Amelia rolled her eyes at her mother. Leave it up to her mother to go and point out the obvious.

"I feel at home here, yes it's overwhelming, believe me when I arrived here the first time. I was so overwhelmed at everything. But over time you adjust, this isn't Kensington Palace to me anymore, it's just Alex's house where I come to during weekends. It's going to be my house one day as well." Amelia pointed out, letting out a small wince with her back still towards her family as she continued to work on creating a cup of tea and coffee for those who wanted it. She hadn't said anything to her family yet of her promises to Alex and she'd just given a small bit away, more than she had wanted to do.

"What's that supposed to mean?" her grandfather asked her as she finally turned to face them with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Nothing." She told them with a shrug of her shoulders, walking back to them and sitting down at the table as she put the coffee and teapot down for everyone to get what they wanted, before going back for some biscuits and cookies Michael had made for their visit.

"You can't just say stuff like that and then wish we hadn't heard it." Anne, her gran's sister-in-law pointed out as Amelia let out a heavy sigh, sitting herself down on the chair. Why did her and her quick and unthinking mouth always have to go and say stuff like that, it had gotten her in plenty of problems before and it seemed it would continue to do so for the future as well.

"It's jut we're going steady, even after everything we faced in the last month." She pointed out, thinking back to them getting out, to the stories, the lies, the suing, everything and they were still together and strong and that's what mattered most. Couples that went through stuff together, mostly stayed together.

"And we've had conversations of what the future could be like. And then again, you don't become a couple with the intent of it only lasting a couple of months." She explained to them with a tilt of her head. If anyone went into relationship like that, then it wasn't meant to be from the beginning. Or shouldn't be in a relationship at all.

"Do you honestly think Alex would have invited you guys over here if we weren't serious about each other?" she asked them rhetorically as she watched them shake their heads. The realisation of them being a couple only seeming to hit them right in this moment. So far it had seemed like a dream to them of some sort it appeared.

Sure, Amelia was dating Alex but now that they heard about the plans they'd talked about for the future. Talking about plans for the future to come, of having a life together. It solidified a lot more stuff, before this it had just been them being together. It was as if they'd been denial about what it had meant. Amelia would one day move to London and build a life with the man she loved.

But now hearing those words coming from Amelia's own mouth, that this was a lot more serious than they had hopped and expected. So far they'd selfishly in a way hoped it wouldn't lead to anything, cause the other alternative would mean that Amelia would leave their hometown for this big city one day. But looking back, seeing the love they shared for one another, it was a done deal they realised, they'd never seen Amelia as happy as when she was with Alex.

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