Chapter 67

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"So how was Belgium?" Alex wondered as they sat on the couch together on Saturday evening, she'd only just returned an hour ago and she was now only relaxing with her future husband after a very busy couple of days, she hadn't really had the time to realize how crazy her life had gotten, it had been a whirlwind so far and only now she was starting to realize just how much her life had changed. It had been nice to lay low for a little bit after the busy days she'd had in Belgium. Not that it had been that a relaxing one either, going to her old school, she'd felt more like an exhibit than anything else really.

"Alright I guess, busy as well." she told him with a shrug of her shoulders as she went to rest her head into his lap for once.

"Would it be okay if Sophie came over this week?" she asked him as he started to play with her hair, she'd gone into her office earlier and there was already a pile of portfolios of Fashion designers wanting to design her wedding gown, some were British, others weren't. But she already knew that she would go towards a British designer, she knew that as a future Royal of The British royal family, she would have to represent the British fashion designers from now on, not that she had any problems with that of course, and she didn't want to start this off on the wrong foot either.

So, she'd already thrown out or rather put aside the non-British one's since they might be of use to her when she went to visit their country and would like to wear something off them. But for her wedding, it would be Britain she represented, since she wanted to make a good impression with the public and appeasing them to a certain standard, they had for any royal bride basically, she remembered the backlash Meghan had gotten for not going with a British designer and it wasn't something she wished to repeat, and she wasn't going to take an example from Meghan either, she was probably the worst person to take any hint or examples from.

She was marrying a British Prince, a future king of England, there was no other option in her mind.

"Of course, you know that your friends and family are always welcome here." He told her with a small shake of his head. He'd already promised her that her friends and family would be able to come over as much as they wanted, whenever they wanted. They were refurbishing a small house here at KP in case that her family came over, it could be the visitation house of her friends and family. It was being done with the future in mind and the house hadn't been in use anyway.

And her friends and family would always be welcome here; she'd already left the home she knew, and he didn't want her to leave her friends and family completely behind, he loved her and her friends and family and they were just as important to him as anyone else was to him, they accepted him just as Alex, not the prince, not anyone else, but Amelia's future husband and he'd be forever grateful to them for that.

"What are you going to do?" he asked her, looking up at him.

"Well, I want to start going through the portfolio's that I've already been sent and I'm going to ask Sophie to be my maid of honor, she's been my best friend for years now, I can always count on her and I could ask Kate or Emilia, but I haven't them known as long as Sophie, they're becoming great friends of mine here in London, but Sophie has been there longer, has known me longer, stood by me for longer. She knew me before I became your girlfriend and I want to thank her for that." Amelia explained to her boyfriend or rather fiancé as he grinned down at her, before leaning down and kissing her lips.

"Good idea." He agreed with her, he'd thought about who she'd pick as her maid of honor, would she even pick one? He'd thought about it, he'd tried to imagine their wedding day as best as he'd been able to do. But he couldn't think of who she would pick.

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