Chapter 51

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Happy new year, that 2021 may be better than the one we've just had. That all of your families and friends may be safe till the world can finally return to normal. Thanks for all the comments and votes and reads as well. It really means a lot. I hope you'll like this one as well.

Walking into Amelia's bedroom he noticed her still sitting on the bed, she'd been off this week, they'd celebrated their first anniversary yesterday, to him it was crazy that they were together for a year already, except for their small break up back in April, but that was all behind them now, they needed to look forward and move in with what they had and what they would get in the future, he was more than ready to look towards the future, a life spent with the woman he loved more than life itself.

This week though had been incredibly busy, the days that she hadn't had to go to school, they'd been busy packing up the last of her stuff, this morning they'd taken her dogs to the vets to get their final checkup before being allowed inside of the UK next without any problem, he didn't think she'd appreciate it that they'd be held back at the border, and he wouldn't appreciate it either to be honest.

All her stuff was now packed inside of boxes, all of them being shipped to London on Tuesday by a trucking company they'd rented. Her two dogs had received their final vaccinations to make the move as well, they had arranged everything official for the move to London, which would be made official on Tuesday.

And in a way it felt such a daunting prospect, more than anything else, this room looking around it, it had been her comfort zone, the one place where she knew who to be and where she grew up in the person she was today, the person he fell in love with.

A year ago, she'd met Alex and it had changed the course of her life in ways that she could never have imagine, had anyone told her a week before that, that she'd meet the second in line to the British throne, would fall head over heels with him and end up living with him at Kensington palace.

Take the road less travelled by, Robert Frost one wrote. Well, she'd certainly done that, she couldn't find many people that walked the road she found herself on at the moment and it was bloody terrifying to say the least, because it was so unique in a way. Sure, Kate was the closest person who could relate to her, but even she wasn't in the same boat as she was in. She was only meant to be the duchess of Cambridge, to support Alex in his duty once he became king and Prince of Wales and their father became king. But inside of the royal world, she was her closest friend and confidant, the one person she knew she could turn to when she needed it.

Today meant a lot to her, more than what it would mean to every one of her class, or there to graduate tonight. It didn't only mean the end of her schooldays; it was the end of her life as she knew it. Sure, she'd been dating Alex for a year now, it had been out for about eight months now. She'd slowly been surely become introduced to his world and the world he wanted her to become a part of. But in a way she'd still been protected in so many ways as well, she knew the rumor mill had already started about them getting engaged this summer, she'd officially move to London just in three days' time, making the official step towards their future life.

Today though it meant the end of all of that, the end of the life that she'd always know, despite it already having changed. It was hard to come to terms with at times, and more so at this moment.

"Yea, I just feel like this is not only goodbye to school, but to everything that was once familiar to me." She admitted to him, as she turned in the direction of her boyfriend.

"It means saying goodbye to so many things for me." She added with a heavy sigh as he closed the gap between them, taking her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs back and forth on the back of her hands.

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