Chapter 75

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"Oh my, she's so beautiful," Amelia whispered as she held Alice in her arms, she was a big baby and she couldn't help but be amazed that Kate had given birth to such a big baby. Sure she was already four days old, but still, she was the largest of the four Cambridge baby's.

"She looks a lot like you," Amelia explained to them as she looked at Kate with a big smile on her face as she felt Alex's arm rubbing up and down her arm as he sat beside her, his arm slung around her shoulders as he looked down at his new niece.

"At least one will look like me." Kate pointed out in amusement as Will kissed the side of her head as she took Alice's little hand in hers, rubbing her thumb back and forth on her tiny hand.

"Broody?" Kate asked her with a teasing tone as Amelia looked up with a guilty look on her face.

"A little, we just talked about the fact that the students I graduated secondary school with than four of them were pregnant and two were already married. It was a reality check," she explained to them as Alex rubbed his nose up and down her cheek as he squeezed her against his frame.

"Well I hate to break it to you love, but you'll be married in four months as well." he pointed out beside her as she nodded her head with a chuckle as Charlotte came to sit on Alex's lap as she held onto her tiny foot as she heard the click of a camera and she knew that Kate had snapped a picture as Charlotte relaxed in Alex's arms.

"Really, I hadn't noticed." Amelia quipped with a smile on her face as Charlotte took her hand in her, playing with her engagement ring and fingers. 

"Can I come over for a sleepover before school begins?" she asked them as Alex and Amelia looked at each other as they nodded their heads at each other.

"Of course, we'll see when after New Years." she explained to her as she grinned at her, snuggling more into Alex.

"Alex do you have a moment?" William asked after a little bit after she'd handed Alice back to Kate to feed as she took Louis and Charlotte with her as George sat drawing next to his mum.

"What's going on?" Amelia wondered, looking back at Kate as she noticed the serious look being shared between the two brothers.

"I only know that Harry called this morning to William pretty early, we were only in bed after Alice had woken up. He was gone for an hour." Kate explained with a small smile to her, it seemed both of them were in the dark as to what was going on, but both of them seemed pretty serious and she wondered if Alex had known about it before and what the hell was going on now? After their documentary in Africa things had gone completely to hell with them. Their interview about how horrible they felt and were being treated, it had caused another problem.

"So how was christmas with you?" Kate wondered as she looked up from where Charlotte was showing her something in her book.

"Busy, I'd rather have it been my family, but what was I to do, not go? I know Alex promised me that we'll be able to spend Christmas together, but still for all I know this could have been my last with them." she explained to her as Kate gave her a sympathetic smile with a tilt of her head as she fed Alice.

"I know it seems like you'll be dropped in one world and taken out of another. But William and I really found a balance and I couldn't be happier." Kate reassured her as Amelia gave her a small smile.

"You make it seem so easy, I don't know how you did it." Amelia admitted, playing with Charlotte's hair as she tilted her head to the side.

"That's cause we pretended that it was that easy. But there were hard days as well. It's our job to make it look easy. But if you ever feel like you need to talk I'm here. But I know that Alex will do everything in his power to find that balance. He loves your family and I know he'll involve them as much as we can as William has done for my family." Kate explained to her as Amelia nodded her head, feeling a little bit reassured, but she still couldn't help but worry about it, how couldn't she?

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