Chapter 74

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Thanks for all the votes, reads and comments, I really appreciate it. I want to wish all of you a very happy New Year, and hopefully will get some exciting Royal spotting with the jubilee and such. 

"And you weren't invited?" Emilia asked her as Amelia shrugged her shoulders, tonight was the diplomatic dinner at Buckingham palace and that was an event she couldn't go to yet, she wasn't a royal yet. She knew that if Alex had his way about it, he'd loved to have had her. He'd already been grumbling about the matter that it would be another boring evening of rubbing shoulders, making small talk. She'd encouraged him that it was important to create a bond that could be beneficial in the future and that she'd make it worthwhile for him when he got home. that had certainly gotten him in a good mood.

So for tonight, it was only her Emilia, Amber was off with Louis's family so she hadn't been able to join them for their girl's night and in a way she was happy that it was just the two of them, Amber had started to pull away a bit since coming to London, maybe it was her trying to adjust to her new life in London. She didn't know what was going on and she was sure to have a chat about it with her later this week when she had a day off from work. She just hoped that whatever it was, she'd figure it out with or without her help, she didn't want to see either Louis or Amber hurt. Maybe in a way she should already know what was going on as it had been a similar problem with Amelia. She'd adjusted herself already to it, but she admitted to missing the countryside as well.

Maybe they could go for a horse ride just outside of London somewhere, where both of them could just relax and take in the countryside again. She would have liked to have Sophie there as well, but it wasn't to be helped. Niels had his three concerts coming the weekend and he'd already done two last weekend. All five of them were sold out and it wasn't like she didn't wish him good luck in his career, but she missed having her best friend around.

Usually, they met up once a week at least and though they still called and texted every day in the evening, she missed going to have dinner with her, just catching up in real person.

"I'm sure that if Alex had been allowed to, he would have smuggled me in and I would be there. I'm actually happy to just have a night to myself, or just have a girl's night. It's been a busy few weeks." Amelia admitted as she dropped her head back as she felt the exhaustion catching up with her. Ever since they'd gotten engaged, they hadn't really had a moment to slow down and take everything in. Even at the weekend, there were meetings planned. She knew that she wasn't just planning any wedding either, but it would be nice to have a breather.

She was looking forward to the Christmas Holidays where she could just spend Christmas with her family with no pressures, not constant phonecalls. No constant visits of people needing something. The wedding invitations were going to be sent out next week officially since the calligraphers were nearly finished with writing the names by hand. So that was another thing they wouldn't have to worry about anymore. The guest list was what it was and no one could bother them about changing it anymore and that in itself was a huge relief as that had been the largest problem for most palace officials.

Now it was the flowers, how the Abbey would look like, what music they were going to pick. What cars they were going to use? What the procession was going to look like and so forth and forth. Next week she wouldn't be going on many engagement, not that she minded, but she'd be in meetings all week long with the florist they'd decided to go with. They'd sit together with the chefs of Buckingham Palace to create their two menus for both receptions. and with that, it never really ended. Every time she thought that there was another thing scrapped off of the list, another would pop back on.

And then there were her lessons. She'd finished her self defence lessons, but she'd enjoyed learning Krav Magra so much that she'd asked her teacher to continue teaching her and continue to train her. She loved it and lately it had been an outlet for her frustrations. Her Spanish lessons were going along nicely, her Arabic was a bit tougher but she was convinced to make it work as well. Once she put her mind on something, she wasn't going to be stopped.

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