Chapter 6

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My apologies for the long wait. I hope you'll like the new chapter. 

"Are you ready?" Alex asked as she sat on the deck of their lodge, he'd come back half an hour ago, just when she'd been finishing up. She'd settled herself on the deck of their lodge with a book in her lap, whilst she waited for him to get ready. "Yes, is it okay?" she asked him, looking down her frame and the pink dress she wore.

"You look great, beautiful, perfect." he whispered in her ear as he took her hand, pulling her closer to him. "let's go then," he told her as they headed for the car. "What have you got planned?" she asked him with a chuckle as he drove them through the wilderness of Africa.

"You'll see soon enough," he told her as she let out a small chuckle as the car slowed down. "We're here," he whispered, killing the car as he got out to help her out of the car. "There's nothing here?" she asked, looking around and she couldn't see anything except for trees and grassland around them.

"Come on." he smiled, taking pleasure out of surprising her. the joy and look on her face were always worth it. He had quite a bit of work to get all of this done, but she'd been worth it and when they rounded the bush the smile on her face had certainly been worth it. "Alex," she whispered softly, her eyes running over the entire place. Candles in glass bottles of a sort were hanging up from the trees they were sat under. In the middle of the clearing, there was a table, set for a candlelit dinner for two. A bottle of champagne waiting in an ice bucket on the side of the table.

"You like it?" he asked her, going to stand behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as she nodded her head. "I love it, it's beautiful, you did all of this?" she asked him as she turned around to look up at him and he gave her a sheepish smile. "Of course, all for you," he told her, resting his hands on either side of her waist as she looked back at the setting over her shoulder. "It's amazing," she told him, playing with the hairs at the back of his neck as he grinned down at her relieved that she liked it.

He knew that she loved the little things in life, and this was pretty simple. No fancy restaurant or set to woo her over, he doubted that would work with her anyway. Amelia wasn't that type of woman. So he'd come up with this idea, with the hope that she'd like it, and that he'd be able to woo her some more. And by the look of things he'd succeeded.

He'd never done this, Emily his ex needed the higher sort of things. fancy and expensive restaurant. taking her out to the most popular places. She'd been a pretty vague woman, but he'd dated her cause he thought it was expected of him. But when he took her to Africa, she'd scream and deny anything. It was below her to come here and he should have known that from the start. Still, he'd dated her for five years and then some short flings. but he'd never pulled out all the stops for anyone else like he did for Amelia.

And the fact that she enjoyed his efforts, liked the same things that he did. Well, it was just another sign from whatever it was that this woman who'd crossed his path in the Rwandan forest was truly meant to be.

"Come on," he said, tugging on her hand to lead her to the table, pulling her chair out, she looked back at him with that smile of her that made him feel a bit weak at the knees.

"This is really amazing, you did a great job," she told him as he sat down in front of her, on the other side of the table. Someone served them drinks, she had no idea where the food was going to be prepared at, but she figured Alex had thought of that.

"What was she like?" Amelia asked as they'd started to talk about his mum. It was something that Amelia hadn't asked about, ready to wait till Alex was ready to talk about it all. She didn't want to push him and she wanted to respect his boundaries on that.

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