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After a few more subjects, it was finally lunch and Y/N sat with her friends like always

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After a few more subjects, it was finally lunch and Y/N sat with her friends like always.

Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen, but she shrugged it off.

„Woah, Woah-so you gonna be in his house tomorrow" Sunoo said holding his hand infront of his mouth, shocked.

„Sadly..." She sighed, chewing her food.

„Hey, Atleast Jake is there!" Seongmin tried to cheer up his friend.

„What's the worst thing that could happen?" She asked her friends.

„I don't know...I think if Jake was busy and then you two-„ „Okay,Okay I got it" Yuna got cut off by Y/N.

„Why are you guys meeting at his house, I mean isn't it kinda dangerous?" Yeojin asked.

„He just said,that we should meet at his house and leave, but I don't even know his adress" She sighed, taking another bite from her food.

„Just ask Jake or go with him together" Yujin said.

„That's the best thing I can do, thanks Yujin"She thanked her friend, smiling.

„Guys there's something I need to tell you!" Sunoo announced, making everyone curios.

„Spill that tea!" Y/N joked, earning a grin from Sunoo.

„So, I have heard that a exchange student is going to join your class" Sunoo announced.

„Why so late though?" Y/N asked confused.

„Its said that she had some issues, but main thing is it's Yunkyoung" He said, making everyone expect Y/N and Yeojin shocked.

„Who is that?" Both girls asked in unision.

„It's Jays Ex" Sunoo said, making the girls gasp.

„Oh, I suddenly feel bad for him...it's the girl who broke his heart right?" Y/N asked, curios.

„Yeah...what a pity for him" Yuna said, eating some snacks.

Then the bell rang and everyone went to their classes.

Y/N seats were empty. There was no Sunghoon, Jake, Nicholas or Jay and it confused her a lot, but she shrugged it off.

„Y/N have you seen the boys?" Mrs. Bae asked.

„No, I didn't sorry" She replied, earning a nod from her teacher.

„But seriously where are they?" She thought.


„So, she's really coming back?" Jake asked, shocked.

„Hmm" Jay replied, emotionless.

„Why the hell is she coming back?!" Nicholas kicked a stone, angry.

„She's gonna pay for it" He continued, while Jay sighed.

„Guys, don't worry I am over her" Jay tried to smile, but failed.

„We all know that you are still hurt" A familiar male voice said, coming out of nowhere.

„What the hell are you doing here?!" Jay immediately stood up, folding his arms.

„Hey, hey calm down, it's only me" Sunghoon chuckled at his reaction, just like the two other boys.

„What do you want?" Jay asked, annoyed.

„You may be over and that's a good thing, but we need to seek revenge" Sunghoon said, making Jay curios.

„And how?" He asked.

„Make her jealous" Sunghoon smirked.

„My Plan" He thought, still smirking.

Both Jake and Nicholas exactly knew what Sunghoon meant. Sunghoon being apart of the group, just to sit with Y/N to gain more informations about her was from the first day his plan. He knew that something was different about here and that there was a possibility, that Jay could like her.

Of course he wasn't using her, he was actually interested in her too just as friends, but she may had the wrong idea...and maybe liked the wrong boy.

And that's what Sunghoon didn't know.

„And how do I make her jealous?" Jay furrowed his eyebrow.

„With a girl...a good example would be Y/N" Sunghoon replied, making the other boy surprised.

„And why actually her?" He asked again.

„Well... she's a kind person,she would help you and you aren't close with any other girls" Sunghoon replied, grinning.

„I am not even close with her-„ Jay got cut off by Jake.

„You walked her home bro...you usually wouldn't to that" Jake hold his laughter.

„You are whipped for her" Nicholas teased, laughing. (His smile is literally adorable).

„N-No, I am not!" He tried to defend himself.

„Holdup-DID YOU JUST STUTTER" Jake said out loud, making the two other boys laugh nonstop.

„I hate girls" Jay said,rolling his eyes.

„So, you like boys?" Sunghoon wiggled his eyebrows.

„You-„ Jay who was shocked ran to Sunghoon who started to ran after realizing what Jay wanted to do.

Jay was chasing Sunghoon down the hallway, while Nicholas and Jake tried to hard not to laugh. They skipped class and a teacher saw them, so they all had to clean the whole school after all subjects.


School was finally over and Y/N and Yeojin went out of the class, searching for a person.

„You really want to ask him?" Her friend asked as she nodded in response.

„I can't belive that they skipped literally the whole day" Y/N shook her head.

„I know right, especially Sunghoon because he is known for being smart and someone with manners" Yeojin said.

„So he's basically perfect" Y/N joked.

But again a particular person heard it and wasn't pleased with what she said.

„I knew it" He thought, rolling his eyes while walking away with his hands in his pocket.

After a few minutes they only found one person and the person was...

„Thank you Nicholas!" Y/N thanked him.

„No, problem and wear something cute" He grinned, while Y/N and Yeojin looked at eachother, confused.

„Erm why?" Yeojin raised her eyebrow.

„Well you little friend is going to Jay right? And he's Dad is a ceo from a company, so really rich and the first impression is really important" Nicholas smirked at his statement.

„You are acting like I am his girlfriend who meets his parents for the first time" She joked.

„Hmm" Nicholas hummed, walking away.

„This Plan is going to be amazing" He thought, grinning.

After he fully left,the girls began to talk again.

„That was odd..." Yeojin said.
First of all, thank you to everyone who read this book,voted and comments! I am relieved that Jay made it into part two and the others, but don't forget to Vote for Nicholas too!
Thank you again!
Word count: 1k

✔️𝐌𝐫. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭| Jay Park| ENHYPEN Where stories live. Discover now