Another bottle of pills to take

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-Travis Gordon’s-

It was nine a night and she wants me to pack my bags and flight over there in- my fax machine beeped, I trapped two papers. My- I mean our fight leaves in five hours. I called Navin Ostin. “Hey! wassa Gordon,” this kid is high right now, “Pack your bags, we are going to California, our flight leaves in five hours,” I said. “Want to come over and we’ll join cloud 9,” I heard him laugh, I could go for some clouds, “On my way,” I went to my room and started to pack my bags, and went to my car putting away my bags in the trunk. I went back to my house and locked my room, turned off the lights leaving the house and locking it as well.

I turned on some music from my iPod, I pulled up at a garage. I walked to the door and opened it, this is like my second home “Ah! you made it!” a happy Navin came in front of me. “Yeah I am here, now let me pack your bags and then we can have fun. Are you here alone?” I asked “No, who does weed alone. You’re stupid,” he said. I rolled my eyes and went to his room. I packed his stuff Navin gets crazy when he gets high. I got his luggage and brought it to my car. When I went back to the house there was someone else there. “EY! Buddy!” August Jensin. “Sup AJ,” he did a bro hug, “So you're the lucky guy after Navin huh,” I teased “Shut up,” I chuckled. “How much do you get?” I asked “Just like those bags to put sandwiches,”AJ said “The ziplock bags?” I asked and he nods. “For how much?” I asked “around two hundred dollars, I get a discount,” he smiled looking at the half way down bag.

-David’s P.O.V-

I went to walk DJ, we went to the end of the neighborhood and I was almost home when I saw a car, a different car pulled up on Sam’s house. “Let’s go DJ, race you there,” she looked up and wagged her tail. “One. Two-“ she took off running “Cheater,” I ran after her, she reached home first, “Hey,” I heard someone but didn’t turned around, I saw the figure next to me, “Hi?” came more of a question “You know who lives next door?” she asked. “Yeah, my girlfriend Sam lives there,” I said she gasped, more of a shocked “So, you’re the boyfriend huh, do you know where she went?” I got up “Yeah, she went to go to her brother to eat,” I said “She was with this kid name Will,” she is one tattletale and looks like she went inside a Doritos chip bag and rolled inside there. “Mh, okay, well if you get-“ I cut her off “I am sorry but I don’t get tired of her. Come on DJ,” she stood there mad.

I dialed Sam “Sup bae,” I heard Sam say “This girl came up to me after a walk with DJ,” I heard her gasp “Monica,” she said “She came for revenge because this little devil one broke a barbie dolls,” Will said “And what will she do? Do the same thing but to you?” I asked “Don’t joke around David or I will haunt you if she does,” I chuckled then see my mom in the kitchen she crossed her arms, “I got to go, see you later Sam,” I heard her say “Hi mom,” I grin “Come sit,” she tap on the table “Yessss?” I innocently adorable face “No, don’t give me the innocent face crap David,” I then looked at her confused “What, I don’t know what I did wrong,” I sat down “So mommy tell me what I did,” I put my elbows on the table and put my chin in my hands “David, baby, you have to take the pills,” she handed me a bottle I frown. now she was the one doing the smiling. I grabbled the yellow bottle and took it up to my room.

-Will’s P.O.V-

We were sining 'Take me out to the baseball game’. Its a good song and it’s pretty catchy. I could tell Matt was getting annoyed by us, “Hey Matthew, don’t get annoyed it’s my favorite song, chill,” We pulled up in front of their house. I saw David coming out of his house “Hey neighbors!" he waved “Hi neighbor!” Sam waved back. “Weird couple huh,” Matt whispered “Yeah, I know,” we went inside leaving them outside. I saw Brownie sleeping, “Is this dog alway sleeping?” I asked “Nope, he’s usually hiding bitting his favorite orang eschew town. Under Sam’s bed,” he chuckled and went to his room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some chips “That was a good come back,” I went back to the living room “What chapter did I missed?” I asked “While you went to grab chips; Doritos chips. David told me that Monica looked like a person who got inside a Doritos bag chip and rolled inside there,” I looked at the bag and frown “Way to ruin my appetite,” I said and rolled the Doritos chip bag and shoved it in my back pocket.

“Should you Willy Wonka be packing up?” Sam asked “Well, Veruca Salt, I have already packed,” David looked at us confused “I want a pretzel,” Sam said out of the blue, “What time is it? They close at nine,” I looked at my phone, “It’s eight forty-seven,” I said. her eyes got wide and next thing you know, she flew out of the house “You are such a lier, it barely eight thirty,” I smiled “Dude, you know, NEVER as in NEVER mess with her,” I whined “Now that you said that, I am getting terrified and because I won’t be here for a while so, I guess I am giving her more time for it to plan it, please take me home,” he chuckled “Lets go Willy Wonka,” he grinned “Alright, Oompa Loompa,” I said back he bursted put laughing.


Hope you liked this short part of the story, I don't want to make this sotry long because I feel like it's getting boring. Any who vote and comment, next part of the sotry will be up some time during this month.


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