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Matt, Grayson, Kelsey and I were on our way to the mall, "Change the channel," I said "I don't like this song," Kelsey also whined "This song is always on the radio," Grayson whined as well. We laughed because we were whining while Matt was driving "If you guys don't shut your pie whole for 5 more minutes I'm pulling over and turning back to the house," Matt warned. It got quiet but we all bursted out laughing "I... Can't... You're funny Matt," Kelsey said as she got siriouse making us all laugh more.

-Grayson's P.O.V-

Matt told me what happen to Sam and how she went missing for a whole year! "Can we get something to eat. I'm hungry," I said "Me too," "When aren't you hungry Grayson," Kels said, I guess she was embarrassed. "We just got here!" Sam finished "I haven't eaten all day," I said. "Same" Matt agreed with me, "Okay how about Matt and I go get down thing to eat while you girls do your shopping?" I said "Sure. Are you guys going to be at the food court the whole time?" Kels asked "I see why not," Matt answered "Alright. Bye," the girls left and we went to the food court.

We were enjoin our food but I felt someone watching us. I picked up my phone and unlocked it, i went to my notes and typed in 'I feel like someone is watching us' I faked laughed and then shouted it to Matt. I guess he caught what I was doing because he laughed "I know right. Wow," he took my phone and started to type, he laughed and passed it to me 'Yeah same, I think we should go see the girls' I read. We got up and threw away our food. Matt called Am and I called Kels. "Hello" she answered after 3 rings. "Hey where are you," I said fake laughing "Were at Spencers and why are you laughing?" She questioned "I'll explain later, stay there. We will be there in a couple of minutes," I said, "Okay," she said and she hanged up.

When we got to Spencers, the girls have boughten disguises Kelsey bought a Spider-Man shirt, Sam bought a Batman shirt, and some shades. Matt bought a white shirt and I bought a red shirt along with shades. We were "We are gonna go dress in the changing rooms," Kels said "Okay but hurry," I whined, she rolled her eyes and left "Do you guys need help in anything?" A worker said. "No thanks we're fine," Matt said. A couple of minutes later some girls came out of the bathroom. "Ready?" The said. "Waw. You girls look different," Matt said. "Thanks mate," Sam said in an Australian accent. "My sister and I are heading back home, do you guys want to drive us?" Kelsey also said it in an Australian accent. "Waw. You girls can actually pull it off but you girls don't look like Australian girls," I said. "Just because I died my hair to brown," Sam said. "Okay, let's go," Matt said.

We tried to talk Australian but fail. "It's because you girls always listen to Australian guys talk," I said. "No we don't," Kelsey said. "Yeah. That Cody Simpson dude," Matt said. "He's cute but that's in my opinion," Sam said. "He's okay, I'm not a big fan of him," Kelsey said. "I think we should get in the car," Matt said. We all got inside and Matt drove out of the parking lot. "Where are we going now?" Sam said. "Are we going back home?" Kelsey asked. "I don't want to go back home," I whined. "Really, again?" Matt said frustrated "at least we aren't saying 'are we there yet' because we will" I said. "Please don't. We just got in the car," Matt said.

We were at a stop light watching the red light, the next thing I knew was the car door open and close. "Sammy!" Matt yelled. She went running to stop someone, "she saved a blind person from crossing the street," I heard someone yell. "The light will turn green in a bit, I'll go with her, Matt meet us at the corner of this block, stay here Kels," I said and left with Sammy. I got a few honk but I could care less, my friend went to save someone, "Thank you so much," the girl looks younger than us. "What's her name" I didn't even spoke the words. "I'm Dasania," she said. "Hi, I'm Grayson," I said. "You sound familiar, by any chance you went to Granite High School?" She questioned. "Yeah, I did for 2 years," I said. "I was the girl with braces and glasses," she said.

We walked with her and talked about her Kelsey and Matt joined as well, "So by any chance have the doctors told you that you could get your sight back?" Sam questioned her. "Tomorrow I'm doing the eye operation, can you tell me what time does the bus passes," she said "Like half an hour," I said "Do you want a ride home?" Matt offered "No. It's fine, you guys have better thing to do. Don't you?" She said "Not really, come on. Do you want to be here for 30 minutes... Of course not," Kels said. We helped her get in and asked her where she lives "SandyVillage," she said "Wow. Those houses cost a fortune!" Sam said "My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a good seller, jewellery designer and clothes designer" she said.

I'm impressed but confused still, wouldn't they do eye surgery already? "So which one is the house?" Matt asked. "There going to be the stop sign. Then you turn to your right and it's going to be the one on the corner. My mom said that it's the one with the birth bath," she said. "Do you have any siblings?" Sam asked "No, I'm an only child," Dasania answered. "What's your moms name," she asked I guess the girls in the back because the started to talk about who knows what. "Isn't it that one," I pointed to to a bird house "I guess it is. It is the only house that has a birth bath," Matt said "Okay we are here. And there's a red car," He said. "My moms car," Dasania said. "Good luck tomorrow," Matt and I yelled.


I don't know, I ran out of ideas. Next chapter things get interesting 😁 stay tune. Like a comment - IM5_Utah

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