Telling my friends about him

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Yeah. We lost on enjoying the run. We get to sit and record them while they go run. "Dana said loser gets to run outside in their swim suits while the wonder sits and records" Gabe said. "We won fair and square," David said. Cole, Will and Dana were running around while we were filming. After a while they came back running inside. "I better go take a shower don't want to smell like a pool," I said and left. I grabbed a towel, my undergarments and my pjs. I took a nice shower. Once I got out I changed and let my hair down to dry. I went to the book shelf to get a book, I love to read! I picked the maze runner. I started to read until my phone started to ring. "Hello," I said.

I didn't even look at the ID called. Whoops, "Hey Sammers," I looked at the ID caller "Hey Steph," I said. "You were reading a book and forgot to look at the called ID?" She questioned. "Yeah," I said. "Told you guys!" I heard Ricky yell. I stepped outside "Okay, so what's going on?" She questioned "Nothing much just made friends and yeah," I said "Are there hot guys there?" I heard Brenda yell I chuckled "Yes," I said "Do you like any of them?" Steph questioned "I think so," I said. I sat down on the wood I was facing my room. "Tell us," Alexandria said "When you guys stop talking about this. Tell us so we can come in," I heard Jefferson say. "Whatever," Alexandria said.

I heard a door close "So tell us," Brenda said. "His name is David, He lives next door to me. He is very fit. And very cute," I said. "Anything you guys in common?" Steph said. "We both lived in Chicago, we like Spider-Man, he likes to dance. I think that's it," I said. "Picture?" They said "I actually took one," I said. I went to my pictures and saw the picture I took. Dana and David were posing while Will was on his phone. You can see Cole and Gabe talking in the back by the grill. I sent it to Steph. "Okay I sent it," I said. "Got it," she said. "Holy shit" Brenda said "Damn girl," Alex said "The one with red shorts is David, The one in Black shorts is Dana, the one on the the phone is Will, in the back the one with black hair is Gabe and the dirty blonde is Cole," I said.

I think they were checking them out because non of them said anything "Wow. Like what happened?" Steph said "Well David saw me staring and he's like take a picture it last longer and so I did," I said "So you like David," Alex said "Well, he's attractive but I don't know if I like him. What if he has a girlfriend. I don't want to ruin that, I don't want to be known as the girl who came to California and is already starting to ruin relationship," I said "How old is he?" Brenda said. "He's just 2 months older than me," they started to squeal and that's the first time. I heard a noise but ignored it. Probably it's my mom or Matt that came home. "And what do you like about him?" Alex said "He has a cute smile, he's nice and cute," I said "Waw. What an amazing description you gave us," Brenda said.


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