I smell sassy

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Matt and Greyson left. The others just stayed at David's house, Will and Gabe were passed out, David's mom went to sleep early since she had to go to work. Dana, Cole, David, Sam and I were still up playing 'would you rather' "Would you rather sleep outside in the rain and get sick or be stuck with a lot of sick people?" Cole asked "What type of 'would you rather' is that, you'll still get sick in the rain and you'll still get sick if you are surrounded by sick people!" David said "I rather be with sick people," I said "Same," Sam said "I got one, would you rather have one of your fingers amputated or have your leg amputated?" David said "Know what type of 'would you rather' is that?" Dana said "I don't know how to answer that," Cole said.

I was tired and went into the big room where we were all sleeping, Will was by the edge and Gabe was next to him, "Night," I jumped "You scared me," I whispered "Sorry," he whispered back, I went all the way to the wall, I don't like sleeping in the middle, I lied down and closed my eyes, the bed deepened "Night Dana," I mumbled closing my eyes.

-Cole's P.O.V-

Dana and Kelsey left a couple of minutes ago, David, Sam and I were the only ones up, "What time is it?" I asked "You have a watch on your wrist, why are you asking us?" David rolled his eyes looking away "Don't you roll your eyes at me," I sassed "Oui, I smell sassy," Sam said, I sniffed myself "I don't smell sassy, do you David?" I asked "Nope, It's probably Sam," we both nod looking at Sam "You guys are crazy, I smell like softlan, I don't know what you two are talking about," she sniffed her clothes and singled into the couch

"You are so weird," David said "Thank you madam," she said smiling. Well, I am tired and it's almost three in the morning, I went to the room where we were all sleeping in, Dana and Kelsey were cuddling, when has this started? I took a picture with flash, I could black mail him or Kelsey. I lied on the last spot available, between Gabe and Dana. Sam and David can sleep on the floor, I took off my shirt and shorts leaving myself in boxers, we are all guys besides two girls here. Now time to rest.

-Sam's P.O.V-

Everyone was sleeping already, besides David and I, the guys did act weird today, I think I can force him to tell me or something "Okay so tell me, what's wrong," I did criss cross on the couch "What do you mean," dumfounded much? "You and the guys have been acting weird, what's going on?" I asked "Nothing, it's just that we are just tired and just want to take a long break just that," he said. "Something is up because you just said just four times. I know you David," I said "Um, it's that Sarah she is my crazy ex girlfriend. When I was in four months into the band everyone thought I was gay soJill and Rey thought it would be nice since she is a big pop star and if she went out with me it would say that I am to gay. After three weeks, she became so clingy, always be calling me where I was, with who I was with, then I found her kissing with this other boy, she told me it was her cousin, they aren't cousin when they have their tongues down their trough, I got mad that she lied and cheated on me." he had a bad life

"She tried to come up with an excuse but she failed, I broke up with her and she tried to threaten me about tweeting everyone that I am gay, I didn't care. I found the guy who was kissing her and he told me that she told him that she was single, and he has seen her kissing some other guys as well, I don't know what happen because the next thing I knew I was in this abandon house, I started to punch so many things, then she came here before you and Kelsey got here. My mom doesn't like her, neither do the guys and I, I don't even know why she even came. So yeah that's what the guys and I have been acting weird," he explained "H... Have you been to um... Therapy?" I was hoping he would get mad, "Yeah but I was in my fifth session when I then moved here," he said.

I am scared I may ask the stupidest thing ever to make him mad, but it's worth it, "Do you want to get help?" I ask "That's what I've been trying to do, but the people who cause it are still appearing!" he tried to yell "How about, I make a session for you?" I offered "I am scared," I heard him mumble "Why?" he put his hands on his face, he didn't respond to me "David why are you scared?" I removed his hands from his face "I don't know, I just want everything to be the same, how it use to be," he said "David we will get threw this like I told you," I said "I want everything to be the same but lets face it. Nothing can be the same," I said. "I know," he said.

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