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Dana and Will we're at my house taking a nap, *knock, knock, knock* *knock, knock, knock* *knock, knock, knock* David? I got up and opened seeing David there. You could see bags under his eyes "David?" Stepped aside and he walked in "Look I'm sorry about the other day, I don't know what happened," David rambled a lot of words "David, stop. Don't worry," I said "What are they?" he didn't finish his question "We went out to eat and we got full so they are taking a nap and yeah," I said "We need to get back in a couple of minutes," he said, I smiled widely at him "Prank?" he asked, I nod quickly "Come," I pulled his hand towards the closet getting out markers and fake tattoos. "I'll get the sponge and the water," David grabbed the markers and fake tattoos.

It took us a while to grey some tattoos in their arms, David and I were giggling the shoe time, we took pictures. "Okay this last tattoo and we have to wake them up," I said "Yeah, okay, I am done," he said "One more picture," I said. We took our final pictures, I told David to leave and I would wake up the guys. "Dana, Will, you guys are going to be late for rehearsal," I said shaking them both "I am too tired," Dana whined "But the faster you get there the early you'll get back home and sleep," I said "What time is it?" Will asked "Almost time for the studio," I said. I dragged them out my house, weird how they haven't seen each other. "Can you drive? I am still tired," Dana said hanging me his BMW car keys. Dana went to lie on the back seat while Will's head was on the window. I saw David giving me a thumbs up.

We got to the place, "We here!" I said excitedly, I quickly got out of the car ad ninth the place. I turned the corner and bumped into someone, "Watch were you're... Why are you speed walking?" Cole asked "David and I drew and put fake tattoos on Will and Dana," I said. David came running inside "Run! Run! Run!" We ran to the stairs, I went to the elevator while David went to the stairs. It took a while to get to the top. I ran to Jill "Where are the others?" Gabe said 'Umm, on their way up," I smiling. "WHERE IS SAM AND DAVID!?" I heard Dana "What did you do?" Gabe said "ME? David was involve in this so, we put fake tattoos and drew on them," I nervously laughed. "SAM, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" I bit my lower lip, "I am going to go to the girls bathroom to hide there and then once you guys are recording, I'll come back out," I simply said before running out to the girls bathroom.

I was sitting on a chair that was there, it's been twenty minutes. I went back to the studio "I feel like a bad-ass" Will tried walking cool, "Willismywanka said 'Are you getting her back?' Well will is my wanka, yes. And very bad," Dana answered I smirked. I casually walked in "Hey guys. Looking good Dana and Will, but the tatoos don't look good on you two," I said "YOU DID IT TO US!" Will yelled "Me? David came up with the idea and don't you dare disagree, David," I crossed my arms and everyone stared at David "Watch your back David," Dana said "Okay, you can talking about this later lets focus," Jill said. David gave me the death glare. "Alright that's all for today, see you all. Or see us all in our next ustream," Dana said. The guy who was in control of the audio chuckled "I see a connecting between you two. Are you two dating," I looked at David, "No, we are just friends," he did chuckled more "This is embarrassing," I rubbed my eyes with my hands. him and Jill laughed "I'm going to get a drink, do any of you want anything?"

She left a while ago, "Okay, Will you're going to do you first then Dana, Gabe, Cole and David," the guys left, to take a break, "Nice job," Gabe sat next to me, "Thanks I'm the best of the best," the door flew open "I'm here," the familiar voice. I looked up and there he was, black skinny jeans, read baseball shirt that said 'Dope' "Hey Todrick," oh my god, oh my god!!! "You're Sam, the guys were talking about you out there, something about getting you back," I am shocked, not because the guys were getting me back but that Todrick was right in front of us. "Is she okay?" he said "I- oh my god, sorry, its that I am a fan of yours," I said standing up "That's lovely," he said. He gave me a hug! A HUG!! Gabe cleared his thought. "Gabe can you go get Dana," the guy said. "Sure thing, Jared,"

I was talking with Todrick about random things while Jill was talking to Jared. The guys were in the meeting room because last time they were here they were laughing and making weird faces, "I better get going," I said before leaving the room "Do you need a ride?" I heard Gabe from behind "Nag, I need to think and might go visit my friends. Since they said they want to have fun and yeah" I gave him a little white lie "Alright, bye," he waved "Later" I walked back home. My friends were at the movies and I told them that I was going to be with the guys. I went to the story and bought an AriZona drink, I walked to my house thinking of what Jared said a while ago. 'I see a connecting between you two, are you two dating' did it seemed that we are dating. "Hey Sam," I looked next to me "Hey haven't seen you in forever. How you been?" I said "Never better," I sipped on my drink.

Kelsey and I went walking to my house, "So your parents ground you. I thought that was illegal to do now a days," I joked "What would are you living in?" Kelsey questioned "The one that you're living in," I grinned "You are such a weirdo," she nodded her head "Ey, takes one to know one Kels," I nudged her side. We laughed, talked more. Well more of gossiped about celebrities, "Andrew Garfield has a nice butt," Kelsey gasped "Oh my god yes he does, he looks so adorable with those glasses, we should rent it and watch it," I said, I texted Matt see if he could get us the movie. "Okay Matt will get us the movie," I said as we turned down the street and to my house "How long have we been walking?" Kelsey asked "About half an hour... Why?" I asked "Your house is far," I laughed "We have been walking for half an hour and you're barely complaining about it. We are almost there," I said.

We got to my house, and well we got water and sat down on the couch waiting for Matt. "I'll set up the thing," I said "You mean the DVD player," Kelsey bursts out laughing "Yeah same thing," I said... Matt came in the house "Here's your movie," he handed it to Kelsey and she handed it to me. I did some popcorn and defiantly the sauce. "Come on hurry the hell up!" Kelsey yelled from the living room. "I'm coming, I'm coming woman," I said. I handed her the popcorn bowl and the sauce, "Put play!" she said "You are so demanding," I said "and you are so slow," she said back.

We talked about Andrew Garfield having a nice butt and how cute he looks, "You girls are weird. Checking him out from a movie, not even I do that," Matt said from behind "He has a nice butt than you do. That's for sure," I said as Kelsey laughed "Ooh snap. Barry Allen is a fine person too," she said "Oh my gosh yes!" I said "Berry? As in the fruit berry?" Matt was confused "No. Not Berry. Barry with an A bit with an E," I corrected him "Who is he?" He asked "Lord Jesus please save him," I begged looking up "He's the dude that plays 'The Flash' the one who runs fast and stuff," I explained "Oh yeah yeah I know who that is," he said


Sorry it's been a very long time. If you like this like and comment.


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