Kavid hanging out

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-Cole's P.O.V-

Will told me that Dana and David like little Sammy, but it looks like David also likes Kelsey and they are best friends. Wow, I better talk to them. I dialled David. Because he was my recent caller, I waited for a couple of rings he didn't answer. I called again, he didn't answer. I called again but he didn't answer. "Damn it David," I said to myself, I lied on my bed and closed my eyes putting my hands on my eyes my phone started to buzz on my stomach, I grabbed it with my hand 'David' I preceded the green button "About time!" I joked. "Sorry, I was taking a shower," he said. "It's fine I need to talk about something with you," I said.

I stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. "So, what were you to talk to me about?" David said. "Who do you like. Sam or Kelsey?" It stayed quiet for a while "Because David, Dana likes Sam and you like Sam and looks like you like Kelsey as well," I said. Waw I feel like I'm becoming Will, "I made my decision and I'm asking Kelsey out. When we come back from the tour," David said. "Okay, I have to go, my mom is making me wash the dishes," I said "Okay, see you later we still have to finish recording," he said and I hanged up. Up next Dana.

I was waiting for him to answer. I looked at the ID again I wasn't calling, I called Dana... Again and after the third ring he picked up "Sup dude," he said. "Dana, uh, I'm going to me straight up with you," I said. "Yeah, what sup?" He said. "Do you like Sam?" I asked. "Maybe," he said. "Dana. That's not an answer" I whined. "Okay, I guess I do like he," he finally said. "You know that David likes her," I said "But he likes Kelsey," Dana said "I'll talk to you later, we have guest over," he said and hanged up. Rude. You know what, It's their problem. I shouldn't be getting in between, I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when my mom knocks the door "Mom I'm tired and I have to go to record later," I said "Geez okay you whiner," wait, that's not my mom. "Sorry, come on," I said "If you want to sleep go ahead, I'll leave you to rest," Little Sammy said. "I need to talk to you little Sammy," I said she giggled "I told you, I'm not little," she said.

She sat at the end of my bed, "I'm going to tell you straight up okay," I said "Go ahead," she criss-crossed her legs "Do you like David?" She got quiet or I guess she was thinking "I-I really don't know anymore. Him and Kelsey are hanging out right now,I guess he's going to ask her out," she said "Will told me that David told him that he was going to ask her out when we come back from tour," I said. "I just want my friends to be happy," she said "Then how are you going to make yourself happy without your friends making you happy?" I asked "I don't know, I'll figure it out later," she said.

-David's P.O.V-

After Kelsey got back I told her of she wanted to go hang out, I have to ask her before we leave just to make sure she's mine, I was smiling, "Why are you smiling David?" My mom asked "We are almost done recording," I hate living to my mom. "That's good. Where's DJ?" She said. "She's sleeping in my room," I looked upstairs and then to my mom. She went upstairs I guess to get DJ or see if she's up. My phone vibrated I saw it was a message from Kelsey I opened it

Kelsey:) - Yeah sure what time?

Me - In an hour. Oh and have your swim suit on as well

Last chance to ask her out, this better a good date. I went on my twitter since I haven't been on it in a long time.

@DavidChrisIM5 - I'll be answering some tweets #TweetDavid

My phone started to blow with with questions and other random stuff I first put an alarm just do I wouldn't be late to pick Kelsey up. I answered people, I even followed people. My alarm gave me the 5 minute warning, I said bye to the 5ers and I fixed myself "Mom. I'm heading out with Kelsey," I yelled "Okay, but don't be late for the rehearsal," she yelled from upstairs. I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door to my car.

I drove all the way to Kelsey's house which was only 10 minutes away. I was right in front of her house I knocked on her door, her brother opened "Yes?" He questioned "Is Kelsey home?" I asked "KELSOS YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" He yelled, not yet I'm not. "Go away Grayson," I heard Kelsey say. "Hi, sorry about him, he hasn't gone out with a girl for 5 years already," she teased, "It's done. You ready to go?" I asked "Yep," she said popping the 'p'. We walked to the car and I as a gentleman opened the door for her "Thanks," she said. I closed the door when she got in and I went to the drivers seat "Keep it cool David. You got this," I said to myself. "So where to?" She asked "Surprise" I said.


Not the interesting part but next chapter it will I promise. Will David ask out Kelsey? Stay tune for more. Like and comment. - IM5_Utah

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