I wasnt expecting this

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I heard a through being cleared "Crap," I whispered I got up and turned around "Hey David what sup?" I said "You forgot your towel," he said he threw me my towel and I caught it "Thanks," I said "Sam, you should come with us tomorrow to watch us record?" He said. "Uh. I'll ask my mom but I didn't get your number," I said, I handed tossed my phone to him. Crap! The call I forgot to hang up. "Someone is on the phone," he said "Yeah, they are my friends," I said "Hello," he said my eyes went wide. "This is David who's this," I can't believe he is doing this. "No I don't. No, funny, pretty, singer. Okay... They want to talk to you," he passed me my phone "Thanks," I said "Hello," I said. "OMG! IT WAS DAV-," I hanged up fast. "She said she'll call me later," I said.

He laugh "Funny. I better get going need to catch up some Z's," I said. "Alright see you tomorrow," he said and we both left. I called Steph back. "Hello," Jefferson said. "Jeffy where's Steph?" I said. "She's here squealing with Brenda and Alex. What happened?" He said. "Cause a hot boy spoke on the phone." I said "And who's this boy?" he said, "Lol, is Jeffy jealous? and he's not just a boy... He's a hot boy," I said. "Whatever," he said. "What did you do?" I heard Ricky on the phone. "The girls are freaking cause they talked to a hot boy and Jefferson is just jealous about the hot boy," I said. "We are flying there tomorrow," he said. "What are you jealous too?" I questioned. "No," he said and hanged up. I got into bed and fell asleep. They are coming tomorrow, I might go to to a studio. Big day tomorrow.


Here is a short chapter.

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