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Kayla POV

I woke up in a good mood today, despite what happened last night. But for some reason, I had a dream about Ryan. It was a scary dream


I walked in my room, and Ryan was sitting on the edge of the bed

Me: Ryan what the hell you doing here?

Ryan: I came to check on you

He had on a ripped white tee, and he had bullet holes all through his body, and a hole in his head,but talking to me. I stayed by the door

Ryan: Come sit down, I got something to tell you

Me: I don't trust you

He then stared me down. So I slowly went over and sat on the bed.

Ryan: Why you do that to me? Have me killed?

Me: You don't know what your talking about

Ryan: I do know. But now I'm on you for the rest of your life. Because It wasn't meant for your sister, it was meant for jayy

Me: You-

He then shot me.

~~ Dream Over~~

That was one of the dreams I couldn't wake up out of, it seemed so real. I'm starting to think that's a sign that he's hunting me. I then checked my phone and seen I had two missed calls from Tizz, and none from kartier, but a few text messages. I texted Tizz phone to see what was up

—Text Messages—-

Me: Yooooooooo

Tizz: Wassup sis, I called you last night where were you?

Me: I left. Had to handle some business

Tizz: Wowwwwww

Me: Okay I'm lying, It was some stuff I peeped with my bf and I got mad and left.

Tizz: Thats fucked up. You should've stayed I'm sure the party would've kept your mind off him

Me: Yeah but I didn't wanna kill the mood. I was sad and I didn't want to be around my friends sad and bring they energy down

Tizz: Factssss it be like that sometimes. Aye what you doing today?

Me: Nothing that i know of, why wassup?

Tizz: You tryna come through and keep me company?

Me: Boy I don't even like you like that. Nah I'm Jp I'll slide I don't got nothing to do

Tizz: Bett, but im finna get in the shower ima text you later

Me: Okayyy

—-End of convo—-

I checked my phone one more time and it still was no text or call from kartier, so I'm just gonna stop waiting by the phone and do me. But then something told me check Twitter. I get on twitter scrolling down, when I see one of his post and it's him retweeting a girls picture with the heart eyes. Atp I stopped giving a fuck, he obviously don't care about me so why should I care about him. It seem like my problem is with nothing but kappas

It's later and I'm now about to go see what Tizzy on. I decided to be comfortable today and wear my black and white adidas pants with just a white crop top. I wore my Mongolian white fluffy uggs that I got for Christmas, never worn. I kept it simple and just had my hair flat ironed, Ik my curls was gonna drop later on.

*Arrives At Tizz Apartment *

Tizz: Yooooo look who really came

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