If it aint one thing...

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Kayla POV

After all the shit that happened this pass weekend, I came to a agreement with myself. I will accept nothing but positive energy from this point on. I still plan on exposing dude ass, but I'll just wait when the time is right. I got bigger shit to worry about at the moment. Homecoming is in 3 weeks, we have a step show competition, midterms approaching, gotta prep the new line of girls and make sure they ready for their probate in November, then finals. Drama is the least of my worries right now.

Everything has died down and I'm back to normal again. I'm starting to think ppl know about Ryan drugging me, because everyone has been so nice to me. I was expecting a dirty look from most tho. I walked into the cafe about to go in the pizza line, when Jasmine, the SGRho approaches me. She's jayy ex gf, they broke up because she slept wit an Alpha at last year's homecoming while they were together. Ugh she sooo trifling

Jasmine: Wassup K, you straight?

Me: Um yes....I am

Jasmine: Just asking. I assume you might've been hurt after what jayy did

Me: Girl wtf is you talking about?

Jasmine: You dont know? The shit is all on Twitter. Jayy was just boo'd up wit some girl from Clark Atlanta Sunday night. I guess they linked when he wasn't around you.

She shows me the video of him and the girl. He's driving and she on the passenger side recording him, while singing "Love Songs" by kaash Paige. Maybe this why mfs been nice to me, because they know he have me out here lookin stupid.

Me: look out of all ppl, why you decide to come tell me this? I'm pretty sure one of my friends was gonna tell me, you being shady asf right now.

Jasmine: Honey, don't shoot the mfn messenger. Instead of being mad at me, be mad at your nigga for snooping around. Could've told you that was goin happen anyway, K *Walks Away*

I can't believe this nigga. I wasn't even hungry no more, I immediately left the cafe and went to my room and did a lil research. I go on the bitch twitter page, only to find "1908💓👒" in her bio..... ain't this bout a BITCH!

Jayy POV

For some odd reason, today just been a decent ass day. 2 of my classes cancelled, and the last one, we was only there for 10 minutes. I got a free meal today at chick fil a, on top of what I already bought, I got a car wash this morning so my shit clean, and today is pie a greek, that's when the whole school come out, and for $2 they pie their favorite greek person. Today literally bout to be a movie.

——-Later On——-

I haven't seen my girl in all day. The pie a greek fest is about to start, all of us are at our tables, and the Ks are even here too, except for her. I called her phone twice and there was no answer. I texted her, and she didn't reply. She acting weird as hell, ion like that.

Kayla POV

It's a fest going on and I'm thinking about not going. All I could think about was jayy playing me. I been so fucking good to him, how.

*Phone Rings*

Me: Hello

Saweetie: Hoe where are you? It's bussin you need to be down here, they requesting you

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