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Kayla POV

It's now homecoming week, the week we all have been waiting for. Parties on parties on parties, while tryna balance work also. After the big ass fight we had at pie a greek, we damn nea wasn't about to have a homecoming. The whole D9 had to have a meeting with the university the day after, to tell us we are all on probation. and still is. It literally cannot be no bullshit or individually we getting suspended, right along wit the chapter. And the suspensions not like a 3 day HS suspension, them mfs be talkin bout years. If they decide to bring the chapter back they could, we just won't be members anymore. Me and India was ordered to stay away from each other, until we learned that on our own we can come together and show greek unity. But ok that will never happen, because our attitudes is horrible. I decided to take jayy back after he blew my phone up with calls and text, came to my house and cried like a baby begging for my love back. Yeah he got me, but my trust for him won't never be the same. Don't think for one chance in the world, my guards not up and I ain't ready to let the next nigga in.....

I'm bout to come to class when suddenly I get a call from the university. Usually when they call personally, it means something serious. I go to the office just to find multiple ppl standing around waiting on me, including the dean of my organization, and the kappa dean.

President Karen: Good morning Kayla, how's it going?

Me: It's going good, how are you?

President Karen: I'm doin well. So, I know you are wondering why you are here.

Me: Yes.

President Karen: Okay well, since this is coming from Dean Josh, I'll turn it over to him to explain to you.

Dean josh was the head guy of kappa. Whenever anything happened, he would have to report it to the headquarters and also the school.

Dean Josh: So we called you in here because I was informed by one of the sigma guys that you were at the pass Que party, and that you was somewhat intoxicated, but also an incident occurred with one of my boys. So we want to just get clarification of what happened and that it is true.

This was the moment. The moment where I decide if I lie or if I tell the truth. Yeah Ik I said I'll expose him myself, but the issue is now in my face and depending on my answer, I can save a life or get someone in deep trouble.

Me:.....Um actually.....Yes. A issue did occur. I had found out that, my seizure was due to being drugged with Percocet. And one of your guys did do it. Um, it was proven because probably the same sigma that came to you about the issue, also told me he heard that the guy admitted to doin that to me.

Dean Josh: Yes, one of my guys overheard his brother speaking of what he did that night. He told
you that right?

Me: Yes, that's definitely the same person we're talking about

Dean Josh: and I'm also aware that he attempted rape on you as well, which he also admitted during the conversation

Me: Yea- Yeah he did. Me and him have been bumping heads lately, which makes me think that was his reason behind it. I never did anything to him tho

Dean Josh: Yeah I understand. At the end of the day, wrong is wrong, and he have no right to try and do whatever no matter what bad terms y'all on, it's just not cool. And in my organization, this is zero tolerance. Never in life a man of this chapter tried anything like that. You were brave to speak up, so I thank you so much for being honest, and if you need anything plz feel free to reach out to any of us.

President Karen: Well, this is all the confirmation we need. Just know he'll be dealt with and we will have him removed from campus

I said okay and walked out. I can't believe that just happened. He really told for me. Usually guys will say it have nothing to do with them, and don't do anything. To get my mind off of what I just confessed to, I went to jayys apartment. Fuck class, I won't be able to focus with this on my mind. What if he come after me? I just can't

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