Roses Turn Blue

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*Night Of The Homecoming Continues*

Jayy POV

After I left the frat house, I decided that I was gonna go to the homecoming concert anyway. One of the artist started performing 20 minutes ago, so I'm not missing much. The concert was in the gym, but I had plug wit Mfs to get backstage. I went because this the only thing that can take my mind off everything that happened today, and I can kinda cool down. I contemplated so much on the decision I made wit Kayla, but It's for the better and it's set and stoned. I'm gonna miss doing certain shit wit her, because anything we did together it was always fun, and our genuine personality's showed everyday. Well, oh well.

Kayla POV

It's still homecoming night and majority of everybody at the concert. I pretty much made my decision not to go. But I knew what I could do to keep my mind from racing. I called Rayonna and Caresha, my LS, to come with me and walk around camp. My twin was at the concert, so I couldn't ask her to come with. With how beautiful are campus is at night, I knew it would be a vibe just to walk around and vent to my girls while looking at the decorated palm trees. So we did just that.

Me: Y'all idk what I should do? It's like now me and jay are done, I can't just jump right into kartier hands now that I'm free.

Caresha: Yeah true. It's better that you give yourself some time and let yourself heal. Think about if relationships are for you right now.

Rayonna: No really. I seen plenty females rush into relationships quick because they feel that's the only way they feel better. It's better to wait, that way when you're ready, you'll be ready with no regrets.

Me: Yeah y'all right. I won't diss Kartier and ghost him because he is part of the reason with me and jayy, but I'll just be easy ya know. This just all too much.

Rayonna: Fr girl. Atleast you got shit going on in your life. All Ik is this damn sorority and class work

Caresha: Sameee. Sis you need a show wit all this drama you got going on

Rayonna: Right and let me be the lady at the reunion who sort the drama out

We started laughing.

Me: Hey y'all, lets go to the gym. You think they goin let us in?

Caresha: Girl we can sneak in that mf. They crazy as hell if they think I'm paying $15 and I payed all the money to enroll in this mf

Me: No cause they really can kiss our ass

We laughed and made our way to the gym.....As we made it there, it was hella ppl on the outside. With college, you'll be expecting ppl to be at the concert, but everybody know that the after events buss wayyy more. It supposed to be like 3 mansion parties happening. This time some locals throwing one, some ppl from the school, and the sigmas having one. The ppl throwing the local party, my twin know's them, so she's going there tonight.

Door Security: Y'all ladies got $15?

Me: No. why should we pay and this is our school? Y'all should charge the visitors that much.

Door Security: Oh we charging them an extra 5. But sorry hunny, you gotta pay the 15 or I can't let y'all in. I'm just doing my job it's your school policy.

Me: Okay, thanks anyway.

Me and the girls walked away from the door tryna think of our next move.

Rayonna: Man bump this, y'all wanna just have ladies night? Just the 3 of us? Ian tryna go to no parties, plus it's too late to be tryna pick out a outfit.

Me and Resha agreed.

Me: Ite so since we doing this we gotta do it right. We gotta go to Walmart and rack up on all the snacks we can get.

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