44.That Night ~2

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Recap: "I can't do this"



(Still 5 years ago)

"No no what Daniel!" Jake said, eyes wide. "I'm sorry bro but" Daniel began and Jake glanced at the guy on the chair nervously. "Just give us a moment" Jake said and the guy nodded as Jake dragged Daniel away, Oscar remaining on his spot.

"I'm sorry Jake but I can't do this to my family. Anna looks up to me and my whole family expects so much I can't betray them like that" Daniel said and Jake's eyes were wide with fear.

"No no you can't back out now. We were so close Daniel" Jake said, and Daniel looked at his feet. "I'm sorry bro, but I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore. I wish we can though" Daniel said, shrugging off Jakes hand and walking out.

Daniel caught sight of a fake blond, this roots brown and his hands had blood on them. His one eye was blue, the other brown and as Daniel passed by, he saw him take out the brown contact from his eye.

Daniel couldn't see his face clearly, and he knew he wouldn't remember him later, but he felt something off about this guy. He only hoped he wouldn't cross paths with him again as he opened his car door.

(3 years ago, the evening/night of 5th November)

"I will finally get my fucking revenge" Jake growled, on the leather chair he had seen the boss in when he first joined the gang. "Jake don't you think its a bit too far?" A guy, Jake's usually faithful sidekick asked and Jake snorted.

"Daniel fucking humiliated me and Oscar wants to leave the gang so he can fucking leave the world" Jake growled, his fingers digging into the chair and the guy sighed.

"Jake" the guy sighed but Jake shook his head. "I gotta leave now" Jake smirked, walking out of the secret warehouse. Driving over, the 18 year old knocked on the wooden door, a blond opening it up soon after.

"Hi Jake. Daniel's not home right now, well no one is" Anna smiled up at him and Jake tried not to smirk. "Can I wait inside gorgeous?" Jake asked her and Anna blushed, nodding.

"Get me a glass of water please?" Jake asked and Anna nodded again, walking into the kitchen, leaving Jake to start getting ready with his plan.

"Thanks Anna. Hey do you wanna play a game?" Jake asked and Anna raised an eyebrow. "Sure I guess" Anna said, trusting Jake as she followed his instructions.

Jake smirked, quickly tieing her hands up and Anna's eyes widened. "Jake? Is this part of the game?" She asked and Jake laughed, ripping her shirt right down the middle.

"Oh yes its part of the game called revenge. You, Anna dear, will be paying for Daniel's stupidity" Jake laughed, ripping her shorts off, smirking as he unbuckled his belt.

"Jake no please stop" Anna sobbed as he shoved her onto the ground and Jake cackled. "You've always had a crush on me, why so against it now" Jake whispered, ripping her bra off too as Anna sobbed underneath him.

"Oscar? I'll send you my location, please pick me up in 15, last favour bud" Jake said into his phone, hanging up soon after. "Kinda sad really" Jake said, tracing Anna's face as she sobbed harder.

And this is to remind Daniel everytime he looks at you" Jake spat 15 minutes later, his jeans back on, his tshirt discarded as he grabbed a pocket knife, carving a long line across her face, Anna still sobbing, her body exposed and bare.

"Haha, oh hey Jake- ANNA!" Came a scream as the door opened and the rest of the Seaveys froze. "Paybacks a bitch Daniel" Jake spat, brushing past the family as he heard Keri rush to cover Anna's naked body up.

"Jake why the fuck would you do this, why Anna!" Daniel screamed, running after Jake, tears streaming down his face and Jake laughed. "No one insults me and gets away with it Daniel, get that through your head" Jake spat and Daniel glared at him.


"Oscar why do you have to leave" Leanna whined and Carly nodded along, agreeing. "Yea Oscar, Lea can go into labour anytime, do you not wanna be there for your sons birth?" Carly asked and Oscar sighed.

"Babe I'll be back quickly. And Carls, you know I have to help him, he's letting me exit the gang alive for gods sake" Oscar reasoned and Carly rolled her eyes.

"Your still angry?" Oscar whined and Carly let a small smile play at her lips. "Alright come back soon" Carly said and Oscar nodded, kissing her forehead then his pregnant girlfriend's.

"Cam be good for daddy ok? He'll be back soon" Oscar whispered, kissing Leanna's swollen tummy and grabbed his keys, waving a goodbye to his sister and girlfriend as he walked out.

Pulling up to the given address with rain pouring, Oscar's eyes widened at the guy he had met, Daniel with a gun in his hands, pointing it at Jake.

"Why would you fucking rape my sister" Oscar heard Daniel scream and his eyes widened. "Jake what is he talking about?" Oscar asked and Jake rolled his eyes.

"Nothing just bullshit" Jake said but Daniel screamed. "Fucking tell him about you ruining my sister. Tell him about you fantasizing about his sister and his girlfriend with you" Daniel yelled and Oscar looked at Jake.

"Is this true?" Oscar asked and Jake opened his mouth, unable to reply. "Jake thats disgusting!" Oscar yelled and Jake narrowed his eyes, rain falling harder.

"You shut up. All I asked for is two things Oscar. One, loyalty and two, to share" Jake spat and Oscar's eyes narrowed. "AND DANIEL BROKE THE FIRST ONE, OSCAR THE SECOND" Jake yelled.

And no one understood what happened after that, for in the next few seconds, loud gunshots were heard, and Oscar Aldern Difflin fell over, a bullet to his chest, bleeding.

Daniel's gun was smoking from the muzzle and his eyes widened, seeing the blond boy he never knew well fall over onto the floor, bleeding rapidly.

 Jake shook his head as if he were disappointed in Daniel, a smirk however grazing his lips as he leaned down and whispered into Oscar's ear. Daniel walked over to Oscar after Jake ran, tears falling rapidly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pull the trigger it was an accident" Daniel sobbed and Oscar grabbed his hand, with all the strength possible. "Its....ok.." Oscar whispered and Daniel shook his head.

"Its not, I know your girlfriend is pregnant and your never gonna see your child" Daniel sobbed and Oscar shook his head, a small smile on his face as he whispered two words. His last words.

"M-My sister"


Um, emotional chapter? Yes, I'm sorry.

Lets talk about how technology is stupid, I was writing the part about Anna getting raped, I go onto Instagram, and I see Anna's latest post UM HELP-

Lowkey wanna double update but ehh. This is the end of history thing, we'll be back to present in the next chapter.

Nobody kill me yet, ya'll can do it at the end for everything I have and will be doing-

But I love you guys!💖


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