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Recap: "Mrs.Seavey huh?"


Carly woke up, eyes squinted due to the bright sunlight. "Why didn't I close the curtains" she grumbled to herself as she pulled off the duvet and let her bare feet touch the wooden floor. As Carly went to close the curtains, she saw the view outside, immediately falling in love. She looked at Daniel who was still asleep, then smiled to herself as she tip toed out of the room, down the stairs and opened the glass backdoor.

She slipped out, still in her camisole and short shorts but grinned as she felt the soft sand in between her toes. She took a deep breath, the ocean smell reminding her of Oscar as she saw a surfboard shop on the far end. 

She softly smiled, remembering the first time she tried surfing, falling off the board. Oscar had dived and saved her, Carly's hero, always. She walked closer to the shore, letting the water wash over her feet. Carly placed her hand into the clear water, finding a shell in the process.

She ran over to the ice cream shop, getting a cup and promising to pay the owner later, she ran back and began collecting seashells. She collected them a lot, before waddling a bit further into the water. She slowly began arranging it, forming the word 'Oscar' before placing the other seashells around it in a heart.

"I miss you. Its not the same anymore. I don't wanna do this anymore Oss. You swore and you broke it. I just wanna see you one last time. I don't even care if you broke our pinky promise, please" she whispered to no one in particular, the sound of waves crashing pure melody to her ears.

"Oss I fucking hate you" Carly said, a tear slipping and she wiped it away when she heard a loud "There you are!". She turned to see Daniel, still shirtless, his hair a mess. "I thought you ran away or something" Daniel said, pulling her into a hug and Carly noticed how he had pushed her away when they almost kissed last night but was now hugging her.

And for the sake of the glaring girls, she wrapped her arms around him too, her palms pressed against his back muscles. Daniel led her back to the villa, Carly running to take a bath. She slid down the shower wall, tears escaping as she remembered everything again.

She forced herself to stop crying. Just like old times. She got up and stopped the water. She stared at herself in the mirror, the bracelet she always wore, shining. She got dressed, and after breakfast, ripped open the package her mom had given her.

She took her seat beside Daniel who was working on the balcony, and let her hand drift across the page, not knowing what the result was going to be, but letting the graphite leave marks on the paper.

She stopped after a while, a beautiful drawing in place but she glared at it, then ferociously ripped it from the book. Daniel gaped at her, as she threw it on the floor and began a new one. He grabbed the paper, opening it, only to get his breath stuck for Carly was insanely talented.

(There won't be choices for this, you'll see why)

(There won't be choices for this, you'll see why)

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"Y-You...I-" Daniel stuttered but Carly shook her head. "I'm not feeling it right now" she said as she began drawing once again. Daniel watched, as her hands moved effortlessly, flawlessly and wondered why she wasn't an artist.

He returned back to his laptop, but his mind kept revolting back to Carly's drawing. He watched as she finished another, then flipped the page satisfied. "Can I see?" Daniel asked and Carly looked at him, before showing him the drawing. "Carly....." he trailed off, in awe as Carly shrugged, before beginning to draw again.

" he trailed off, in awe as Carly shrugged, before beginning to draw again

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"Can we go get paints and a canvas" Carly asked, her voice quiet. "Yeah sure. Now?" He asked and Carly shrugged. "If your free then I'll go change" Carly said and Daniel nodded.

Carly walked back out in jeans and a full sleeve crop top, all black and Daniel raised his eyebrows, but didn't question it. They ended up at an art shop and Carly pushed so many things into the cart, most of which Daniel didn't understand for the all looked the same.

Carly dropped over 3 packets of brushes and Daniel let her, not complaining. "Daniel?" Came a voice and he turned to see a girl there. "Sophie?" Daniel asked and the girl smiled before pulling Daniel into a hug. "god I missed you" Sophie said and Daniel nodded, hugging her back but trying to get her off. "Daniel I can't reach- Oh" Carly looked up and Daniel finally managed to shove Sophie off. 

"Its not what it looks like" Daniel said and Carly shrugged. "Whos that D-bear?" Sophie asked and Carly quickly said a "No one" before turning back to the paints. Carly dropped another packet of paints and Sophie's eyes trailed to the cart. "Is she painting your house?" Sophie asked and Daniel shook his head but Carly nodded.

"Our house is a bit too plain. And Daniel doesn't have good taste. But as his wife, I guess its my job to help him out" Carly said, before grabbing a small packet of sponges.  "WIFE?" Sophie screeched and Carly held up her hand with the ring, not even sparing a glance at the gaping girl. 

"Can you get that for me?"Carly asked Daniel who nodded, and grabbed a box that stated an easel was in it. Carly began walking forward and Daniel wheeled the cart, waving at Sophie, a grin on his face as he turned back. "Look, I don't care if you have an affair. Just not in front of my face or in public please. Cause thats bad for publicity and as much as I hate admitting it, it does hurt  me so" Carly said and Daniel frowned.

"I knew her from high school. I hate her and I'm not a cheater, no matter how forced this marriage may have been" Daniel said as Carly began unloading the cart and the cashier stared, before he began the billing. After everything was scanned and put in bags, Daniel swiped his card before Carly could get hers. 

"You can't just pay for all that!" Carly exclaimed as they moved the bags into the car. "I told you before. I'm supposed to pay for you" Daniel said and Carly grumbled something, before getting into the car. "What?" Daniel frowned. 



I'm sorry the first half was sad, I wasn't in a good mood :(

I would have gotten this chapter out yesterday, but it would have turned out different and sad and I would have hated it, I'm sowwyyy :(

But we learnt something more about Carly and Oscar. What do u think happened? Don't worry, we'll know ;)

 Sophie.....A different case😶 Hehe.

But I love you guys so much!❤


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