4.Messiest Meeting

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Recap: "Jack!" Carly screamed.....

Carly flung herself at Jack and hugged the shorter boy, who wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back, his face clearly stating that he was beyond confused. Carly pulled back and smiled, then her eyes landed on the girl standing behind him, who was glaring at her. "Pleaseee tell me that the girl behind you is not your new P.A" Carly stated with a begging tone but Jack crushed her hopes by replying "Sorry doll but she is...Now, what are you doing here, with him?!?" He asked a completely confused.

"Did none of the girls tell you? Mt dads forcing me to marry him cause of some deal he struck with Daniel's dad. And Daniel wants me to be his P.A thus, I have to stop modelling for a while" Carly whispered to Jack so that the other girl wouldn't hear, rolling her eyes and Jack's jaw dropped.

"Stop modelling?!?! But you have like, a shoot with Prada tomorrow!" Exclaimed Jack. "Ya I know. But this bipolar idiot doesn't want me to model and sadly, I have to half listen to him since he sort of 'owns me now'" said Carly, putting quotation marks around owns me.

"Care to explain how you know Avery.INC's C.E.O Carly?" Asked Daniel, raising an eyebrow. "Oh and Mr.Avery, please contain your P.A.
She just pulled her blouse down" said Daniel rolling his eyes and Carly glared at the girl who had been standing behing Jack. "Me and Mr.Avery graduated college together. We were dormmates" Said Carly, biting her lip to stop giggling at Mr.Avery since it was such an absurd topic to her.

"Well, shall we get this meeting started?" Daniel asked and everyone nodded. The meeting went on for an hour, and the 2 companies discussed on how to negotiate and bring down the other company that had been causing them a lot of problems.

"There is also another problem. Herron.INC has been loosing large amounts of money from their profits, AFTER they put the money in the bank account and it clearly shows that it was a hack job. But this is also affecting our shares and profits. So we have to look into it" said Jack as his P.A placed a file in front of him, and he slid it over Daniel who passed it to Carly.

All of a sudden, Carly's phone rang and her eyes widened at the caller ID, knowing that Racheal wouldn't be calling if it wasn't absolutely necessary since Carly had shot them a text that she was in a meeting earlier. "Can I take this call? Its seemingly urgent" said Carly and Jack raised his eyebrows having seen that his girlfriend was the one calling.

"Ms.Difflin! I had told you to put your phone on silent. Yes, you may answer your phone but put in on speaker." Spoke Daniel and Carly rolled her eyes, annoyed. "What I speak and whom I speak to doesn't concern you, Mr.Seavey. But since your my boss now, as you wish" sighed Carly as she answered the phone and put it on speaker, only to be met with sobs.

"Rach? Honey what happened?" Carly said, her voice clearly panicking. "C-Carls. There's this picture going around on the internet and I-Its j-jack with another girl a-and.." Racheal trailed off sobbing and Carly looked up at Jack to see him lookig horrified with his jaw dropped.

"Its not me, I swear!" Jack said and Racheal gasped on the other end. "Jacks there?! And how can he hear me?!" Racheal said and Carly replied with a "about that...I was in the middle of a meeting with Jack's company and you called and the bipolar idiot named Daniel made me put the call on speaker cause he's a jealous ass that can't take the fact that I saved you as 'Baby R💖'"

"But I swear it wasn't me. The meeting will be over in another 10 minutes and we'll talk when I get home k?" Jack said into the phone and got a soft "ok" in response. "If your dumb ass did anything, I won't hesitate to chop your dick off" Carly said glaring at Jack and he nodded while saying "I didn't even do anything. I went home with Rach yesterday and today, here I am!" Jack said and then the meeting continued.

After a while, the meeting was finally finished and Jack left after giving a hug to Carly and his P.A just glared at her the whole time. "You know, if you have a problem with me, you could just say it" spoke Carly as the other girl turned to leave. "Yeah! I have a problem with you knowing Jack AND Daniel. Stay away from Jack! He's mine" she hissed and Carly burst out laughing.

"He has a girlfriend who I know for a fact that he's thinking about proposing to since he asked me what ring he should buy. And he already gave her a promise ring so you should honestly shut up before I make him fire you" Carly fake smiled and the other girl rolled her eyes as she left.

"Damn Carly. That was one of the messiest meeting I have ever been in" Daniel said as he watched Carly bunch up the files Jack had given him. Carly just shrugged and turned around. "Do I have a seperate office? I need to keep these. And do you want me to read through them?" Carly asked the blue eyed boy (giraffe😉)

"Ya, you do have your own officce. Come on, I'll show you. Then we'll go to my house after lunch" said Daniel as he led Carly out of the meeting room and walked into the elevator, taking them to the highest floor on the building. Walking out, Daniel led her over to 2 doors side by side. "This one's yours and this one's mine. Our offices have a mirror seperating them. And its a one way mirror and the see through side is on my side since my dad thought it would be better if the boss could see what his P.A is doing. I'm telling you so please don't anything barbaric in there" said Daniel as he opened her office door and they both walked in.

Carly nodded appreciatively at the clean and beautifully furnished office. "Thanks. Its beautiful. But since you told me not to be barbaric, I'm gonna be barbaric" she grinned as she walked over to her desk and placed the files on it.

"Now, shoo! I need to start reading through these" said Carly and Daniel, who was leaning against the door frame, raised his eyebrows. "You know you can't order me around like that right?" He asked her, slightly amused as Carly shuffled through the drawers on her table, pulling out and tossing things that she didn't want into the bin.

"Yeah? Well, I can do whatever I want babyboy. And we both know that firing me is technically a loss for both of us" Carly grinned as she walked over to Daniel and pushed him out.

"Babyboy?" He asked her and she smirked as she shut the door in his face.


Theres not much drama in this chapter😁😁

Imma try to double update and I hope I can!

Any comments on this chapter?
There's a major thing in this chapter that actually is VERY important for the book.
What do you think it is?

I Love You guys❤❤
Until the next chapter,

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